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Black Lives Matter, Obama Hit By Christie

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Christie bashes Black Lives Matter

Current Events –
Black Lives Matter, Obama Hit By Christie

Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey governor Chris Christie may be feeling a bit distraught over his deeply disappointing presidential poll numbers.  So, what is his recipe for a quick pick-me-up?  He attacks the Black Lives Matter movement and President Obama.

Black Lives Matter protester

Current Events
In an interview Sunday on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” Christie caused controversy by denouncing Black Lives Matter for creating an unsafe environment for police officers, then denouncing President Obama for supporting such a movement.

“There’s lawlessness in this country,” Christie said. “The president encourages this lawlessness… He doesn’t support the police, he justifies Black Lives Matter.”

When host John Dickerson pointed out that the Black Lives Matter movement doesn’t condone violence, Christie said, “I don’t believe that movement should be justified when they are calling for the murder of police officers.”

Christie’s remarks were in reference to comments Mr. Obama made last Thursday at a White House forum on criminal justice, explaining the difference between “black lives matter” and the counter-argument from some that “all lives matter.”

Obama defends Black Lives Matter“I think the reason that the organizers used the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ was not because they were suggesting nobody else’s lives matter,” the president said. “Rather, what they were suggesting was there is a specific problem that’s happening in the African-American community that’s not happening in other communities. And that is a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address.”

“We as a society, particularly given our history, have to take this seriously.”
@POTUS on #BlackLivesMatter

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) October 22, 2015

Current Events

To clarify the negative and incorrect perception that the group promotes threats against police, the Black Lives Matter Network posted this message to their Facebook page on September 11, 2015:

Our network is one piece of a broad movement that spans a diversity of approaches, perspectives, and strategies…

Contrary to deliberate lies circulated by conservative pundits and outlets like Fox News, the Black Lives Matter Network does not and has not ever called for violence against any one for any reason. We have not called for protests, and we have not called for violence against law enforcement personnel.

Black Lives Matter leader Johnetta “Netta” Elzie added: “It’s amazing to me that black people and their allies affirming that Black Lives Matter is somehow celebrating murder. Nothing about us affirming our own lives has anything to do with ’embracing and celebrating the murder of police officers.’”

The notion that the slogan “Black Lives Matter” must exclude all other lives is nonsensical. For example, if someone said “Children matter” or “puppies matter,” those statements would not be misconstrued to mean that adults or animals other than puppies don’t matter. It is not that literal.  Most intelligent people understand this.

Of course, ALL LIVES MATTER.  However, in scenarios where there is blatant societal racism, it is not unnatural to remind the world “Hey! Just because we’re black doesn’t mean we don’t matter too.”  Hence, the slogan Black Lives Matter.

It’s unfortunate how Chris Christie and so many blind others are clueless, have missed the point totally and just don’t have the facilities to understand this.


Black Lives Matter-all houses matter



OK WASSUP! covers current events, including
Chris Christie’s bashing of President Obama
for defending the Black Lives Matter movement.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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As I've expressed on related posts, in the past, I do not support the Black Lives Matter Movement because I do not accept that group's selective outrage as it relates to the issue of Black lives matter. That said. Chris Christie is a desperate Repub politician trying to bolster his failing campaign to be the Repub presidential nominee by taking cheap and "nonsensical" shots at the BLM Movement and Pres. Obama. DJ: "It’s unfortunate how Chris Christie and so many blind others are clueless, have missed the point totally and just don’t have the facilities to understand this." I think you're being too kind to Chrisitie and his ilk on this DJ. They do tend to be NOT the brightest bulbs in the pack. However, when it comes to the BLM Movement and the disingenuous reasons people, like Christie, criticize that Movement for (as detailed in your post) make no… Read more »

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