Comments on: Black Lives Matter: Police Kill Oklahoma Man News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 28 May 2015 09:34:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 14 Apr 2015 18:17:38 +0000 Thanks so much BD. It (the running) just makes no sense to me!

In my family, no matter the generation, from the youngest to the oldest person_.and in particular, ALL the males_the message is reinforced, over and over again to "NEVER" run from the police.

Like you said. If a cop says "Freeze!"….then Freeze!

We were also reminded over and over again to "NEVER" argue, or tussle, with the police.

What is WRONG with some of these Black men!?!

By: Mr. BD Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:43:20 +0000 There isn't a answer any black man can give you Truth. People black white or whatever always run from police if they did something wrong. This isn't something new but it's only becoming more known since black men are getting shot. But that's the problem because all these men who ran didn't do anything that deserved being shot at. They weren't murderers they weren't carrying any weapons but they ended up dead. I don't always like some of the comments from Random White Guy on here but he said something that was interesting the other day. If police tell you to freeze you should do it. I know if a cop told me to freeze I would do it just so I wouldn't get shot at and end up dead.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 14 Apr 2015 14:19:09 +0000 Before I respond, I would really like to ask any Black men reading this …….

PLEASE tell me What is going on with Black men choosing to run from the cops these days rather than surrender?!!! Is this a new phenomena?. Or has running from the police been the norm for Black men? (and I'm just late to that realization)

Okay back to DJ's post…

So what we kinda have here is an older (and richer) version of Zimmerman. A man playing cop and carrying a loaded gun. When the dust settled we have yet another UNarmed Black man, shot Dead. In the street. Killed by a man,playing cop, carrying a loaded gun..

The fact, that Deputy "Bates "is merely a rich volunteer who paid for permission to wear a badge and hunt down bad guys for his own entertainment."……AND evidently could NOT tell the difference between the feel of a taser and the feel of a gun!?!….makes this "accident" all the more egregious.
