
Black Men And The Mysterious ‘Magic’ Of MAGA

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A surprising number of Black men are openly supporting Donald Trump — and the reasons why may surprise you.

Politics :
During the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump won 12% of Black voter support and a whopping 19% of Black male support. Despite the recent rise of Vice President Kamala Harris, analysts expect those numbers to increase substantially in 2024. But, why?

Black Men For Trump

Earlier this month (before President Biden exited the 2024 election), The New York Times hosted a round table discussion involving 11 Black men. Their mission was to discuss why so many Black Americans are flocking toward Donald Trump. The men ranged in age from 30 to 60 and represented the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.

When asked why they would support someone like Trump, whose background and MAGA movement are rooted in white supremacy and racist ideology, many of the men noted his funding for HBCU’s (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) as key. To them, that support of Black education was proof positive that Donald Trump is no racist.

Black Men For Trump

One of the Black men said the most important issue to him this election is the border — despite the fact that he lives in Georgia and is nowhere near a US border.

The man told the story about a local private school (where his cousin works as a schoolteacher) and how disgruntled he was that the school opted to house an unknown number of immigrants who he said, “Came from the border.” When asked if any of the immigrants were undocumented, he said he didn’t know but added “It was a safety concern.” When asked if anything bad happened, if anyone was hurt, or if any Black jobs were lost from their presence, the man answered no to each question. He just felt “concerned.”


Another man praised Trump for handing out stimulus checks during the COVID crisis. When he was told that the stimulus checks were a Democratic congressional concept that Republicans staunchly opposed until their hands were forced, he went silent.

Black Men For Trump

Some of the Black men participating blamed the Democratic Party for expecting too little of Black Americans or for treating them like victims.

“I think they have underestimated how much Black men care about their family. We don’t want excuses as much as they think we want excuses,” said Rashad, a 40-year-old graphic designer from Pennsylvania.

Another man said he liked Obama but “What happened?” as if Obama’s inability to magically fix all of the country’s problems (due to Republicans vowing to block him on everything from day 1) meant he should vote for Trump.

And, therein lies another problem. This Black man’s switch to Trump because Obama was unable to make every Black American’s dream come true simply proves he doesn’t understand how government works.

Interestingly, several of the Black men said Trump’s image as a celebrity businessman was a huge reason for his appeal to the group.

Singer-songwriter and rapper Swae Lee recently took to his official Twitter/X account to announce that not only has he boarded the Trump Train, but that all Black people should be afraid of the alternative.

Black Men

“Do not vote for Kamala!!! Do your research on that whole camp,” he began. “You better go look at the things. Trump did for Blacks. He’s actually done more than Biden and 80% of others. The media portrays it one way. The facts are right there to access. I will make a list tomorrow if you need …I used to not pay attention but that last sleepy guy did damage.”

In another post, Lee continued his diatribe.

“I pay over millions in tax dollars every year. This man [Joe Biden] sent it to a whole ‘nother country!!!!!!!!! Those lil’ dollars that come off your checks, they gave it away!!!!!!! Think about that sh*t.”

“I don’t think you realize the BILLIONS. It’s time it stops, he gave away billions upon billions. Why are we sitting here hurting in this country? So many people are hungry. You remember who gave the stimulus and PPP loans, right?” [TRUMP].

“Y’all better pay attention!”

Van Jones

According to CNN political commentator Van Jones, he believes the Donald Trump support he’s witnessed from Black Americans is “cringey.”

“There’s an opening to get Black men,” Jones said with a laugh, “because of the double-whammy with Black men feeling the economic pain seriously and also feeling some social dislocation with when it comes to gender and feminism and what’s going on.”

Jones went on to give an example about several Black men who attended the recent GOP convention and sang Trump’s praises.

“All 4 of them sounded like Black people who talk about Black people, but don’t talk to Black people. That’s how they sounded.”

Black Men For Trump
a fake image created by the Trump campaign

So, it seems Black men are being pulled into Trump’s MAGA magic because they like his celebrity image — and because he’s (allegedly) proven he’s not a racist by giving federal funds to Black colleges and universities.

Yeah, OK!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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In short: We have our share of “slow” folks, nutjobs, misogynosts and Super rich cretins in the Black American community too!

It’s sad but true. 😟




Hey Truth where did the parents go wrong with these black men getting fooled so easy? They cannot see a snake when it is right in front of their face.


Well BD we can’t all be intelligent and live in the Real world. There is today, and always has been, a few lost and “IGNANT” jiggaboos living among Us, my friend..smh!

But look, here’s the deal – when the election is over the first stat I want to see – AFTER Kamala is declared the Winner – is what percentage of Blacks actually voted for Trump? I have a feeling that percentage will be smaller than expected.

But we shall see.

Last edited 2 months ago by Truthiz1

This type ignorance is sad to see. These brothers are lost.


And let the Church say Amen!


I will second that amen.


All eleven of these black men and that rapper too are lost just like Wil said. And DJ was right they do not understand how the government works. Trump gave black colleges a check and now he got everybody fooled. But like my grandfather use to say, they gone learn today.

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