Comments on: Black Pastors Take Heat For Trump Meeting News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 13 Aug 2018 06:11:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Tue, 07 Aug 2018 15:43:50 +0000 Thank you for talking about this story DJ. The whole thing is a total disgrace. There was not one thing that came out of that meeting that any of these pastors could say made their church better or made anything better for black people. They were used as pawns for a photo op and I’m sure they got something under the table for being there. This is my problem with most pastors and churches today. They say one thing then do another. They spend all this time in the pulpit talking about being Christian then they go get in bed with somebody like Trump who has lived his whole life the opposite of what they say they believe in. I have no respect for these Uncle Toms and you are right to call them that because that is what they are. They are total sell outs and I hope their church members get in their butts about it too.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 07 Aug 2018 14:01:19 +0000 I had only heard just a snippet about this until now. Pretty darn sad. But not all that surprising.

I’ve caught a bit of “Pastor” Darrell Scott’s shtick on CNN from time to time. He is indeed one of Trump’s major tools and a shameless “sell-out” to the Black race in America.

My beloved grandfather (now deceased) used to refer to the Darrell Scotts of this world as “jack-legged preachers” who AIN’T about nothing but serving their own craven wants and desires. My grandfather despised the actions of preachers of that ilk and so do I. My grandfather wanted nothing to do with such men and neither do I.

“They are prostituting themselves and, in essence, the black church,” for “15 minutes of fame,” – Rev. Jamal Bryant

And let the church say AAAAMEN!
