
Black President Fueled Trump Run

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Black President behind Trump’s run?

Politics –
Black President Fueled Trump Run

What exactly do Trump supporters mean when they say it’s time to “Take our country back” and “Make America great again?” Back from whom?  Back from what?  Well, one doesn’t have to look beyond the 8-year residency of a black president in the White House for the answer.

Yes, Barack Obama is responsible for the candidacy of Donald Trump and the millions of racist misfits who support him. Except, Mr. Obama’s saving grace is that he didn’t do it on purpose.

If Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, or Mitt Romney had become president in 2008, would we be seeing images in 2016 of riled up, blue-collar white Americans screaming they want “their” country back??  Of course not!  So, just in case you’re unclear about who or what they wish to take the country back from, it’s that black president and his family traipsing around and “soiling” America’s “White” House that has them pissed off.

Black President MAIN

Even before he became America’s Commander-In-Chief and leader of the free world, Barack Obama has been called “That African” who’s not an American citizen no matter how many birth certificates he produces.  He’s also been called a “secret Muslim” and more. Additionally, his wife and family have been called apes and other primate terms. Has this type of personal vitriol ever been lobbed against a First Family (and their young children) in history?

If there’s one thing Donald Trump is good at, it’s playing dirty pool.  He realized early on how much anger, hate, and racism had built to a boiling point among white Americans, who saw their race power slipping away as they were forced to sit idly by and watch Negros board Air Force One.  Unlike the other GOP candidates, Trump didn’t brush the issue of race under the rug and ignore it — he tapped into it.  Suddenly, he became the “White Superman” who was poised to take America back, return it to the rightful hands of whites and magically make America great again.  For the fed up bigots of the nation, Trump’s words and his formula were like coffee cake at a fat farm — simply irresistible!

No matter how much anger and vitriol is slung toward America’s first black president and his family, the browning of America is inevitable.  Additionally, no matter how many walls Donald Trump promises to build or how many deportation forces he threatens to unleash, Hispanics and African-Americans are becoming the most powerful voting block and voting majority in the country.

Trump supporters are extremely nervous and unhappy about this new reality — which should explain how most of them are incapable of even providing a simple explanation as to why they are in favor of Donald Trump.



OK WASSUP! discusses politics.  Today’s article:
Is a black president responsible for Trump’s candidacy?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. It's not President Obama's "blackness that has Trumpsters voting Trump. It's perhaps that Barrack Hussein Obama isn't black enough.
    Or, that he didn't care about blacks in America enough. His foreign policy is another nightmare.

    1. So all the white people who were punching blacks and throwing them out of Trump rallies and posting confederate flags did all that because Obama isn't black enough and doesn't care about blacks in America?? Excuse me but I don't understand that at all.

  2. No matter how much anger and vitriol is slung toward America’s first black president and his family, the browning of America is inevitable. Additionally, no matter how many walls Donald Trump promises to build or how many deportation forces he threatens to unleash, Hispanics and African-Americans are becoming the most powerful voting block and voting majority in the country. […]

    Your entire post spells it out accurately DJ. And the paragraph highlighted just hit it OUT the park!

    No. Most of those "real Americans" won't admit it. But, (as my grandmother (now deceased) used to say- "The truth is The Truth, anyhow.".

    And the truth is, Pres. Obama's "Blackness" is indeed what set most of those people off.

  3. The biggest lie being told is President Obama has been the most divisive and has made race relations worse. Whenever I hear that BS I want to slap someone . . hard!. Obama's Blackness brought the ugliness of hidden racism into the open. Although Obama campaigned on the platform of change, he's Blackness represents a change not fully embraced by White Folks! Thus Trump rallys his follower with Make America Great Again. . . when the country was led by White people!

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