A new trend has Twitter and Tik Tok talking that could redefine the concept of marriage: Straight husband and husband.
Lifestyle :
Yes, this new concept involves 2 totally straight men who actually get married to each other — hence, the name STRAIGHT husband and husband. The men marry, receive the lucrative marriage tax break from the government by filing jointly, then pool their 2 incomes to purchase the home, car(s), and vacations of their dreams. They each maintain their own separate Master Bedroom and use their joint incomes to hire a maid and/or cook in order to limit their responsibilities.

The “marriage” is 100% nonsexual between the 2 men, which provides them the freedom to sleep with as many women as they want whenever they want. No questions asked. The Straight husband and husband escort each other to work events (dinner with the boss, etc.) and go on “dates” with each other to bars, concerts, and sporting events. They keep their home in whatever condition they choose and answer to no one emotionally. In short, they’re both free as birds — all while enjoying the benefits (without consequences) of married life.
”I’m looking for a straight man, that would like to get married to another straight man,” said one Straight husband and husband seeker via video. “You can date any woman you want to. You can have as many girls as you want to… I don’t care. I’ll never b*tch about it. I just want a joint, two-income household, with two master bedrooms, and all,” the man continued.
So, why would 2 men who are not gay want to marry each other and become Straight husband and husband?

According to the relationship website hypebae, men don’t really “like” women and actually prefer and enjoy the company of their male friends for entertainment over the company of females. They rarely share the same interests with women and only do the things their girlfriend or wife wants to do because they’re forced or guilted into doing so.
Hypebae believes men marry women almost always because they’re conditioned from birth that they’re supposed to and not because they really want to do so. For plenty of men, a good time means coming home after work, watching the game and drinking a beer with their buddies, playing video games into the wee hours, having sex, then falling asleep.
None of that involves an emotional attachment to a woman and, in theory, makes a woman nearly obsolete to the men.
If they later decide they want children, they can create a child with any woman they choose and co-parent the same way divorced couples do today.
I threaded the TikTok that he got this from and honestly I’m all for men doing it. But it’s gonna be funny when they can’t get the women they believe they will. https://t.co/Y5IZUpcqVd
— A Rich Ass Karen! (@queenveej) October 17, 2022
For the Straight husband and husband, hypebae says men only desire a woman for sex, domestic aide (cooking, cleaning, child-rearing, etc.), and to “mother” him. Aside from that, plenty of men would likely never need or want a woman who wasn’t a family member or friend.
Yes, the concept is wild and almost a bit rude. Still, it’s the fantasy life of more men than we know — and now, men are even advertising for a straight “husband” to turn the trend into a popular reality.
According to the men, why should a man marry a woman for love (and get taken to the cleaners financially and emotionally if they divorce) when he can simply marry another man for fun, enjoy all the perks of marriage, and still live the single life with no strings attached?
OK WASSUP! discusses Lifestyle News:
Straight husband for husband = the new marriage?
(Sigh!) And we wonder why this country seems to be going to H*ll in a handbasket..smh!
Seriously, the madness never stops!
I don’t care what they claim to be. Men who think this is a good idea AIN’T straight!
At best, they are closet-bisexuals.
I feel so sorry for young kids growing up in America today being exposed to so much really, really bad isht.
Especially young Black males, having so few REAL “straight” Black men to look up and teach them how to be a man. A good man with his head on straight, literally and figuratively.
I’m a gay Black female and I honestly long for the days when REAL “straight” Black men were plentiful!
Lol this story got everybody at work talking. One of my buddies has something he wants to say. I told him come here and say it himself. I think he is going to post as GF or Mr. GF. I will let him do his own talking lol.
Hello I’m Mr. B’s co-worker. He told me he’s a senior poster here and this story had our whole office talking today. Without going into too much detail I was married, had a kid, got divorced, my ex took pretty much everything. I got a sweet condo off Lake Michigan right by Chicago’s Gold Coast but it’s expensive. To afford it one of my buddies came on as a roommate. Both of us are totally straight and like women. Now after reading this article, if I could marry my buddy just to get the same tax breaks I got when I was married I honestly might have to consider it. We already share the condo and like all the same things. Huge Bears and Bulls fans here and usually grab a beer or something after work with other buddies. There is nothing sexual about anything we do and never would be. I have to say though a lot about this story was interesting. I know I’ll never get married to a woman again, but if I could marry a buddy and get tax breaks, do all the things I still want and have as many girlfriends I want and not be gay then it could make some sense. Anyway, just my 2 cents. Good luck Ok Wassup. You’re lucky to have Mr. B as a senior poster. He’s a good guy.
Thank you for chiming in BD’s co-worker!
And yes, I agree, BD is “a good guy.” 🙂
I still think this idea is “live and let live” run amok and a convenient idea for many closeted bisexual men.
But such is the times we’re living in.