Black Voters Insulted By Trump Outreach

Politics –
Black Voters Insulted By
Trump Outreach
Donald Trump and his latest team of managers have come up with an ingenious plan to woo black voters in record numbers to the Trump For President cause. The only problem is, they’re the last to know that ship has sailed — or that the ship was never seaworthy to begin with.
Keeping in mind that perception is everything, Donald Trump decided to make a sincere pitch to black voters by possibly visiting a black church or maybe holding a rally inside a prominent black community, right? WRONG! Instead, Trump appeared late last week in Dimondale, Michigan — a predominantly white suburb of Lansing — actually believing what was about to happen next.
In an attempt to bring 95% of black voters into the fold, Trump chose a 100% white audience to tell African-Americans (none of whom were present, but may have been watching at home on TV) why they should choose him over Hillary.
“You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed — what the hell do you have to lose?”
(OK, take a moment here just to let those words settle into your psyche)
While his new campaign manager prodded black voters to “give Donald Trump a chance,” the candidate himself later doubled-down on his belief that a black vote for Trump would be the greatest thing since ice cream.
“The result for them will be amazing,” he said. “What do they have to lose by trying something new?”
Unless Donald Trump is under some hallucinogenic drug that somehow this is 1916 and not 2016, why does he believe black voters must all live in poverty, have awful schools, have no jobs and no hope, and that he alone is their only saving grace?
Could his words have been any more condescending???

His remarks come on the heels of an African-American man being thrown out of a Trump rally in Florida for being black (and therefore, presumably not a real Trump supporter). The only problem is that Sean Jackson was Trump’s very own director of outreach to black voters, whose task was to convince other African-Americans to join him at the very rally he was thrown out of. His ejection was similar to that of an 18-year-old Indian man, who was also tossed from a Trump rally in North Carolina for being the wrong color of the traditional Trump supporter.
This can’t be the formula for gaining minority support — yet it comes from the same man who saw nothing wrong with saying “Oh, look at MY African-American over here. Look at him,” as if he were the man’s owner.
Half-Indian man ejected from Trump rally
This is so ignorant it’s staggering. https://t.co/t2fZl9sqKs
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 19, 2016
So, Mr. Trump…since you seem completely clueless to the negative impact of your words, let’s take a moment to address them.
Like Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream, African-Americans come in a variety of flavors. Or in other words, not all black people are living in poverty, not all black people are subjected to a bad education, not all black people are unemployed or in need of a bright light just to go on living tomorrow.
There are plenty of African-American billionaires and millionaires (many of whom have more money or worth than you will ever dream of). There are plenty of African-Americans with master’s and doctorate degrees from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and other world-renowned institutions of higher learning. There are plenty of African-Americans who are not only gainfully employed but are actually in control of all the hirings/firings/personnel decisions for some of the top corporations in the world. Oh, and for many of these black voters, you are NOT the answer! In fact, you are not even an option!!
Perhaps “The Donald” has mysteriously forgotten the early rallies, where he whipped his mostly-white audiences into a frenzy and actually encouraged them to sucker-punch black protesters while promising that he would cover the legal fees.
“Oh, I love the old days, you know? I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks,” Trump said to cheers.
Perhaps”The Donald” has mysteriously forgotten his disparaging remarks about the value of black lives. This mentality is what prompted a Trump supporter to violently stab an interracial couple over the weekend for daring to kiss in public.
According to a police spokesman, the man admitted he was a white supremacist and that he got the idea to commit the assault from “Donald Trump rallies and attacking people at the Black Lives Matter protest.”
So, Donald Trump and company, remind us again what is it about you that should appeal to black voters? What is it about your words today that should make everyone forget your vitriol from yesterday?
In case you can’t seem to find the answer, here it is: With the latest polls showing Hillary Clinton leading you 91%-1% among African-Americans, the likelihood of you making ANY inroads among black voters is about as likely as the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan leading a Black Lives Matter protest against police brutality!
LOL oh boy DJ you have done it again. I don't know where to even begin on this one. Trump must be on crack if he thinks he is going to win over all these black people because it's not going to happen. But DJ your line said it all: the likelihood of you making ANY inroads among black voters is about as likely as the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan leading a Black Lives Matter protest against police brutality! LOL that said it all for me.
George Stephanopoulos:
Many in the African American community saw that as insulting, as they say most African Americans don’t live in poverty, and that Mr. Trump was making those comments in communities that are more than 90% white. […]
KellyAnne Conway:
But those comments are for all Americans. And I live in a White community. I’m White. I was very moved by his comment. […]
And there ladies and gents is what I believe Trump (and KellyAnne) are really up to.
IF the polls are close to accurate, Trump is bleeding support among suburban WHITE women (especially suburban White mothers) and college educated WHITES – two major groups who've traditionally voted moreso for the GOP but appear to be switching to Hillary this time. Not because they're gong ho on Hillary but because Trump and his overtly racist and bigoted messages have completely turned them off.
Trump is a dummy – a rich, narcissistic, draft-dodging, authoritative dummy. But a dummy nonetheless. KellyAnne is not. She's smart enough to know that Trump needs to try to win back some of that lost support by any means necessary. No tactic is too low. No message too disingenuous. And no doubt (at least not in my mind) it was she who came with this whole gimmick to try and make "the Donald" more palatable to those key voters.
In other words: Trump's so-called "outreach to Blacks" was never about wooing Blacks at all -as made evident by the fact that:
1. He's given that speech only in front of predominantly WHITE audiences). And…..
2. the speech is about as ignorant and insulting to Blacks as it can get.
It's just a cynical and desperate move to try to get back the votes of suburban White women (especially suburban white mothers) and college educated whites. Will it work?
We shall see.
The complete arrogance of his IGNORANCE has no limits! As I watched the speech and heard his newest line of BS, I truly thought I had lost my mind! When I told my sister about the speech she thought I was making it up!
And Kellyanne Conway's defense of that crap posses me off!! I want to knock their stupid heads together!!!