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Black Voters Made History In 2012

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Barack Obama pulled off a stunning reelection to the presidency last November and now we know why: Black voters turned out overwhelmingly, while white voters simply stayed at home!

According to a recent study conducted for The Associated Press, African-American voters made history with their unprecedented participation at the polls in 2012.  Had they turned out at the same rates as they did in 2004, which was actually higher than in previous years, Mitt Romney would have won narrowly. But America’s African-American population engaged themselves in the political process and voted at a higher rate than other minority groups in 2012, surpassing white voter turnout for the first time ever.

What’s even more surprising is that the voter surge among African-Americans occurred in spite of GOP tricks to suppress voter turn out among minorities with new voter-identification laws.

This data undoubtedly displays how deeply polarized the country was when it came to reelecting America’s first black president.  More specifically, it shows just how much white America disliked Mitt Romney and how determined African-Americans were in reassuring Barack Obama’s return to the White House.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Well alright and amen to this!

    The funny thing, Repubs thought for sure black folk wouldn't turn out for Obama like they did in 2004. Well they were right. Black folk turned out MORE. ROTFL

  2. Co-sign with BD.

    And add to that, Repubs were betting on smaller turnout of women, Hispanics and other "minority" groups in support of the President. And of course Repubs were WRONG on all

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