Blackmail: Russians Have Dirt On Donald

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Blackmail: Russians
Have Dirt On Donald
If you’ve been wondering (like the rest of the world) why Donald Trump has been so complimentary and protective of the Russian government, wonder no more. The answer has become clear: BLACKMAIL!
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In what is quickly becoming an enormous political bombshell, the US intelligence community has announced that their sources are convinced Russia has compromising personal and/or financial information about Donald Trump — and that Vladimir Putin fully intends to use this information to blackmail Trump so as to directly influence his actions while in office.
The news was stunning and has rocked the political world. Russia successfully hacked both the Democratic AND Republican Party’s, then actively worked to assure that Trump would win the 2016 presidential election. With “The Donald” inside The White House, Putin could then use the damning information he has to manipulate Trump to his advantage. Or, as Hillary Clinton once said during the debates, Trump would become Putin’s puppet.
Classified briefings detailing Russia’s plans to blackmail the PEOTUS were immediately presented to both President Obama and Donald Trump. The information was so urgent that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers all signed off on the two-page synopsis. In fact, Director Clapper said he has concluded with “high confidence” that Russia’s involvement was done specifically to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
According to the synopsis, Russian intermediaries colluded with high-ranking members of the Trump campaign to share information throughout the election. The Russians were pulling the strings on their end to assure a win for Trump — and Trump would then be expected to “repay the favor” once inside the Oval Office.
“It has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government — a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States,” Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid wrote to FBI Director Comey back in October, when rumblings of Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election first began.
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CNN was first to break the news of a Russian blackmail plot against the incoming White House occupant. Immediately following their report Trump and his team were eerily silent on the explosive charges, but by late Tuesday night, Trump simply couldn’t contain himself and tweeted these words against CNN: “FAKE NEWS — A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT.”
Then on Wednesday, Donald Trump held his first news conference since the election and purposely ignored answering any questions from CNN out of spite.
“Since you are attacking us, can you give us a question?” CNN reporter Jim Acosta asked.
“Not you,” Trump barked. “Your organization is terrible!”
Acosta pressed on, “You are attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir?”
“I’m not going to give you a question,” Trump shouted angrily. “You are fake news!”
Trump and his team have since taken the position that any claims of Russia having dirt on Donald Trump with the intent to blackmail him are totally false.
Hmmm….not so fast!
The 4 major US intelligence agencies all signed off on the information and then immediately passed it along to President Obama and Donald Trump, because it came from an extremely credible source who has been a longtime intelligence source for the US government.
That source has since been identified as Christopher Steele, a former Russian operations officer for Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency, who previously worked as a consultant for the FBI’s Eurasian organized crime section and helped develop information about ties between suspected Russian gangsters and FIFA. Or in other words, he’s a high-ranking spy who has operated successfully inside the Kremlin for a number of years.
Needless to say, claims of a blackmail plot by the Russian government that Donald Trump and his team actively participated in is nothing short of cataclysmic 8 days prior to the Trump inauguration. So, now what?
Donald Trump will be inaugurated next week. However, once US intelligence communities complete their investigations, Donald Trump could be immediately impeached for colluding with a foreign entity to win the election, just to avoid the public embarrassment of blackmail.
More on this bombshell of a story as it develops!
DJ, another fine example of your work. Thank you.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that – for the vast majority of Americans who did NOT vote for the guy – the likelihood that Russia may have "compromising personal and/or financial information" on Trump…..and that (IF True) …"Putin fully intends to use this information to blackmail Trump so as to directly influence his actions while in office"….wouldn't surprise any of Us at all.
It certainly was telling that during his so-called "press conference" yesterday, Trump finally acknowledged that he now believes the hacked emails, released to the entire world, did indeed come from Russia: “As far as hacking, I think it was Russia.”
Of course, I fully expect Donald to reverse himself on that by sometime TODAY.
Moving on to the synopsis that – Russian intermediaries may have actually "colluded with high-ranking members of the Trump campaign" in a joint effort to defeat Hillary
A very serious charge. If found to be true(?)..we're talking Treason. But we're NOT going to get to the bottom of what really happened OR didn't happen without an Independent investigation.
And last AND least…….the American mainstream cable news media.
I do find it ironic that after CNN et al collectively did their part in giving Trump at least $2 BILLION dollars worth of FREE media over the past 18 months -Now CNN et al want to scrutinize Trump to the hilt??? prompting Trump to resume his war against CNN and any news outlet that dares to try to hold him accountable for HIS own words and HIS own deeds.
As far as I'm concerned Trump and most of the American news media swim in the same Cesspool.
Re: Christopher Steele the "former Russian operations officer for Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency"
I just read the following:
THAT Escalated Quickly: Ex-Spy, Trump Leak Source Flees Home In Fear
Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy who reportedly passed the now infamous dossier on Donald Trump to the CIA has fled his home in fear. He did however ask his neighbor to look after his cat. [….]
H/T: RedState.com
Full Story at The Daily Mail
"Ex-MI6 spy 'who worked with murdered Alexander Litvinenko' flees his £1.5m home 'fearing for his life' leaving his pet with neighbours after being outed as the man behind the dirty dossier on Donald Trump"
Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4111608/W…
Thank you for covering this story DJ. I was waiting for you to do it. Trump has been hiding something for a while and now it is all about to come to light. No wonder he is always trying to get everybody to forget about Russia hacking us. They got something on him and it must be deep. Like Truth said this whole thing could be treason and if it is they have to impeach him. I'm just going to sit back and watch it all go down. What a mess this is set up to be.
He hasn't even taken the oath yet BD… and predictably he's already got a ton of crap swirling around him..smh.
As a nation, We are so screwed..!!!
HuffPost Reader:
Little left after he's done. We'll have to reconstruct the whole democracy. It'll take a long time.
My wife and I don't have that much time left. Likely we're at the age where we don't buy new batteries for our watches, nor fashion conscious clothing. Might not even be around for the next presidential election, but we do warn the next generation of the demise of democracy at the hands of a carnival barker and that ilk behind him. […]
NRO Reader:
– Trump staff were coordinating with Russia to smear Clinton
– Trump has some deep, questionable financial ties to Russia
– Trump likes prostitutes to urinate on him
But sure, I guess he's better than Clinton? {sarcasm} […]
Politico Reader:
Listen to / read his words very carefully. Observe his scattered dissembling speech patterns and how he manages to contradict himself in the same sentence. Watch his obvious disdain and hostility towards others who disagree. This is a man with serious mental pathologies. It is why Ivanka and Jared stay so close. They know something is wrong with him.
We have a serious problem on our hands in DJT as POTUS. [….]
"Trump pits his staff against the media"
The president-elect packs his news conference with paid aides ready to jeer reporters.
NEW YORK — When Donald Trump gathered the press at Trump Tower 20 months ago to announce his unlikely candidacy for president, he reportedly paid actors to fill the marble lobby and cheer.
Not much — and everything — has changed since.
On Wednesday morning, when the president-elect once again faced hundreds of reporters from around the globe gathered in his lobby — this time for his first press conference in seven months — Trump filled the room with paid staffers who clapped and cheered as he blasted members of the media as purveyors of “fake news.”
It was Trump’s method of battling back an extraordinary report that U.S. intelligence officials have presented both Trump and President Barack Obama with unverified allegations that Russia has compromising information about the incoming 45th president, including about a reported salacious encounter in a Moscow hotel room. […] – Politico
DJ please forgive me!
To quote Michael Corleone (kinda sorta) Every time I try to get out (stop posting) they pull me back in…Lol. I'll try to make this my last post today. I promise!
"Stocks extend losses amid Trump fallout"
Stocks fell Thursday after President-elect Donald Trump disappointed investors during his first news conference since July on Wednesday.
The Dow was down 109 points after falling nearly 170 points earlier, with Goldman Sachs contributing the most losses. The S&P 500 was down 0.5 percent, with information technology and financials lagging. The Nasdaq underperformed, falling 0.65 percent.
"Donald Trump's press conference on Wednesday was not what investors wanted to hear, with talk of protectionism and more company bashing not exactly being market friendly," Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at Oanda, said in a note.
Trump took shots at the pharmaceutical industry, which sent health care and biotechnology stocks reeling. He also failed to provide new details on three of his key policies: tax reform, deregulation of certain sectors and fiscal stimulus.
So-called safe-haven assets rose on Thursday, with gold futures breaking above $1,200 per ounce, a key technical level. U.S. Treasury prices also rose, with the benchmark 10-year note yield falling to 2.32 percent and the short-term two-year note yield slipping to 1.16 percent.
The U.S. dollar fell sharply against a basket of currencies, with the euro near $1.064 and the yen around 114.4.
"With the engine behind the Dollar's aggressive appreciation partly attributed to optimism over Trump boosting US growth via fiscal spending, the uncertainty presented yesterday should expose prices to renewed downside risks," said Lukman Otunuga, research analyst at FXTM, in a note to clients.
"While the news conference covered topics about the Russian hacking reports, Trump's separation of his business empire and repeated criticism of the media, the lack of details of the President-Elects administration's plans for economic stimulus simply left Dollar bullish investors empty handed," he said. [….] – MSN/ CNBC
One can only hope they find something on this bozo.
It is over. We must move forward as s nation and stop the witch hunts. Let's focus on the important topics of building a better country and make America great again ????????