
Blame-Game: Trump Blames Obama Over Russia

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Donald Trump plays blame-game with Barack Obama

Politics –
Trump Blames
Obama Over Russia

If anyone expected Donald Trump to ever have a “The Buck Stops Here” moment and accept responsibility for ANYTHING, prepare to be disappointed once again.  This time, “The Donald” is playing the blame-game with Barack Obama by calling him responsible for Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

“The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win … and did not want to ‘rock the boat.’ He didn’t ‘choke,’ he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good,” Trump tweeted.

“The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling. With 4 months looking at Russia … under a magnifying glass, they have zero ‘tapes’ of T people colluding. There is no collusion & no obstruction,” he continued.


Trump then tripled down on his blame-game and demanded that Mr. Obama should apologize to HIM for the current investigation of collusion that is dogging the Trump presidency!

On Monday, Trump dispatched White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to further his blame-game claims that the Obama administration’s actions on Russia raise questions about the former president’s motivations.

“They have been very clear, they’ve been playing this card about blaming Trump and Russia,” Spicer said during a briefing at the White House where cameras are no longer allowed. “And yet at the same time, they were the ones who, according to this report, knew about it and didn’t take any action.”

“So the question is, if they didn’t take any action, does that make them complicit? I think there are a lot of questions that need to get answered about who knew what and when,” Spicer said.

Trump’s shift of blame to his predecessor comes after last week’s revelation by 2 top intelligence officials that Trump tried to convince them to publicly declare there was no collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers each described their interactions with Trump regarding the Russia investigation as “uncomfortable,” which only adds more fuel to the fire of the Trump investigation.


As President of the United States, Barack Obama naturally learned of Russia’s meddling before anyone else.  He is also on record as saying he chose not to make the information public prior to the election so as to avoid any implication of attempting to affect the outcome — particularly amid Trump’s claims at the time that the election was rigged.

“I actually think that the president thought that since Trump was saying the election was rigged, he didn’t want to seem like he was putting his thumb on the scale,” Sen. Al Franken said of Mr. Obama during an appearance Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Still, that is not good enough for Donald Trump. Rather than admit or accept his own (or his team’s) role in Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, he’d rather shift responsibility and play the blame-game.

“Since the Obama Administration was told way before the 2016 Election that the Russians were meddling, why no action? Focus on them, not T!” Trump tweeted.  “It’s an amazing thing. To me — in other words, the question is, if he had the information, why didn’t he do something about it?” Trump added.


In a logical defense, a former Obama White House official called the Trump administration’s attacks “a transparent effort to distract…,” which is the frequent standard for them.

“This situation [Russia’s meddling] was taken extremely seriously,” the official said, adding that Mr. Obama chose to raise the issue directly with Vladimir Putin, directed a comprehensive intelligence review, shut down two Russian compounds, sanctioned nine Russian entities and individuals, and ejected 35 Russian diplomats from the country.

For months, Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that the Russian hacking accusation (validated by 17 US intelligence agencies) and allegations of collusion between his campaign and the Kremlin was a “hoax” perpetrated by Democrats upset over Hillary Clinton’s election loss. However, his recent string of tweets now seems to suggest he is finally acknowledging that Russia did play a role in his election victory.


OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Trump plays blame-game with Obama.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Just last Wed or Thurs. I expressed my astonishment at how easily this pathologically twisted fool continues to *play* the news media at will, 24/7.

    Most of cable news, in particular, is just pitiful these days. They hang onto his every word no matter how outlandish and/or patently false his statements or tweets…repeating his crap ad nauseam as if any of it is has any relation to Truth or Facts. It's all pure *reality-show* BS to keep his base fired up and keep the media distracted.

    Of course Pres. Obama didn't "collude" with the Russians in any way, shape or form. He did, however, allow *politics* to guide his handling – or rather MIS-handling – of the situation. And that was a monumentally costly error in judgement on his part.

    "It Took Two to Make Russian Meddling Effective"


    And then there was Obama’s mysterious reluctance, as described by many of his advisers, “to put his thumb on the scale” and influence the election, even as he and Michelle Obama were campaigning for Hillary Clinton all over the country and coining anti-Trump memes like “Come on, man.”

    Obama’s meticulously overwrought response was, in effect, no response at all. Along with all the synapses firing inside a competitive, non-monolithic system, it was a weapon in the hands of the Russians. It is the way terrorists operate, turning an open system against itself—the way, for example, the 9/11 hijackers weaponized things like student visas and the freedom to travel. What the Russians were able to do with that, though, is exactly the kind of thing they have long—and sometimes fairly—accused the Americans of doing: getting a friendly leader installed in a strategically vital country.

    The question is, what could Obama have done differently?

    The answer is painfully obvious: He could’ve done exactly what he did after the election, but before the election. “If the U.S. government had come out and done what they did in December 2016 [in releasing an intelligence-community assessment on the interference] in July, it would’ve had an even bigger effect,” said Dmitri Alperovitch, the Russian American founder of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which was brought in by the DNC to analyze the hack.

    When Obama did make the attack public, the amount of panic and political dust kicked up by the release of the intelligence report in January, along with the congressional investigations it triggered, proved debilitating for Russian ambitions. The Russians lost their main ally in the White House, Michael Flynn, who was pushing President Trump to unilaterally lift Russia sanctions. […] – The Atlantic, 6-23-17

  2. ….on a related note……

    Just like their "dear leader," Trump sycophants continue their efforts to make Truth, Facts and Reality….ALL totally irrelevant.

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    He also called for Hillary Clinton’s emails to be investigated. Again. [..] – HuffPost

    So there you have it folks. In Trump's world, Up is down, down is sideways, sideways is round, round is square and on and on it goes..smh.

    Meanwhile the world looks on in utter disbelief.

  3. I love how Obama is so calm whenever Trump tries to pick a fight. Barack is not going to stoop to his level which is just what he wants him to do. Always keep it classy. Now as for if Obama should have done things different, hindsight is 20/20. He did the thing he thought was best at the time with the information he had. He also thought Hillary was going to win and the whole situation could get handled after the election. So when you look back on it maybe it was a mistake, but it wasn't at the time. So I have no fault to place on him sine he didn't do anything intentional. Trump is just playing a blame game by trying to make it everybody else fault as usual so we forget about all the BS he did involving Russia.

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