Bloomberg For President? Not So Fast!
Do you support billionaire and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg For President of the United States? If so, you just might be in the minority.
The Bloomberg For President movement began late last week when the media mogul filed the necessary paperwork to join the Alabama primary. Although Bloomberg hasn’t made any formal decision or announcement yet, his Alabama filing was seen as a sort of “dipping his foot into the water” to test the temperature — or, at least, the nation’s mindset regarding his potential candidacy.

Too bad for him, but a recent poll suggests only a meager 4% of Americans believe Bloomberg For President should ever get off the ground and become a reality. Count Democratic frontrunners Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders among the list of those in the NO BLOOMBERG category.
According to reports, fellow billionaire and Amazon chief Jeff Bezos is the catalyst behind the Bloomberg for President movement. He has apparently convinced his rich friend that the current roster of Democratic candidates is uninspiring and “not well-positioned” to beat Donald Trump in 2020. He has also convinced Bloomberg that he is somehow the answer to saving America.
While campaigning with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Iowa over the weekend, Sen. Bernie Sanders laughed at a potential Bloomberg For President campaign, saying, “You’re not going to buy this election by spending hundreds of millions of dollars on media in California.”
Ocasio-Cortez also chimed in regarding the Bezos/Bloomberg connection, adding: “They’ve got class solidarity. The billionaires are looking out for each other. They’re willing to transcend difference and background and even politics.”
Sen. Elizabeth Warren took to Twitter over the weekend to skewer a Bloomberg run, tweeting: “One billionaire calls another billionaire and asks him to run for president—I’m shocked!” She then linked to a wealth calculator to depict how much billionaires would pay under her proposed wealth tax.
One billionaire calls another billionaire and asks him to run for president—I’m shocked! Here’s the deal: Companies like Amazon have too much power, and billionaires like @JeffBezos and @MikeBloomberg should pitch in so that everyone can succeed.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) November 9, 2019
Former Vice-President Joe Biden said he was unperturbed by a Bloomberg run, but then added: “In terms of he’s running because of me, the last polls I looked at, I’m pretty far ahead.”
Needless to say, the idea of Bloomberg For President is not at all popular among most Democrats. Many believe the billionaire would be a spoiler and ruin a unified campaign against Donald Trump. Also, this is not the first time Bloomberg has considered a run for the presidency, having given it thought back in 2016.
Does Michael Bloomberg have what it takes to rid America of Donald Trump? Or, could his candidacy (and likely billionaire dream to buy the presidency) backfire and create 4 more years of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” racist movement?
Our office was closed yesterday in observance of Veterans Day and I didn’t turn on my home computer all day so I’m just reading this.
(inhale) You know…when I first heard this news reported last week my initial reaction was disgust. I’m even more disgusted by the thought of it today. And it makes me angry to be honest.
What is it with these OLD-azz, super-rich White men??! THEY are the ones who have absolutely MUCKED this country up. And now THEY have the audacity to propose that WE should trust THEM to lead this country!?!
Their narcissism and delusional belief that they are gods unto themselves makes my stomach churn. They’re like a pestilence that WE cannot rid ourselves of. (exhale)
Now to answer DJ’s question….
Does Michael Bloomberg have what it takes to rid America of Donald Trump? [..]
Nope. Not a snowball’s chance in H*ll.
And now (possibly) another “NOT a snowball’s chance in H*ll of beating Trump” Dem candidate…..
‘Deval Patrick, Ex-Governor of Massachusetts, Is Considering 2020 Presidential Race’
[Former Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts has told Joseph R. Biden Jr. and other Democratic officials that he is considering making a last-minute entry into the 2020 presidential race, according to three Democrats familiar with the conversations, the latest evidence of how unsettled the party’s primary is less than three months before the Iowa caucuses.
Mr. Patrick, a respected two-term governor and one of the highest-profile black leaders in the party, has told some of the Democratic officials that he doesn’t think any of the candidates have established political momentum and that he thinks there is an opening for somebody who can unite both liberal and moderate voters, according to Democrats who have spoken to him. ] – New York Times, Nov. 12, 2019
(Sigh!) They just refuse to go somewhere and ‘SIDDOWN!’
What is wrong with Bloomberg and Deval Patrick. Are they so conceited they think they are some kind of savior for the country and nobody can save us but them? Give me a break!