
Boarding A Plane Badly In Need Of A Fix

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If you’re like the rest of the world, you know boarding a plane is always a huge hassle.  How can the tedious process be fixed?

When airlines started charging $25 to check a bag, everyone started carrying bags on their flight.  That made the already awful process of boarding a plane even worse.  For every 10 people who get on a plane, more than half of them hold up the boarding process by first having to store their oversized bag in the overhead bin.

Airlines have it backward.  They should charge for carry-on bags and not for checked bags in order to speed up the boarding process and force more people to check their bags below — but I digress.

Boarding A Plane

To be honest, airlines don’t really care about the horrific process of boarding a plane.  They only care about the extra fees they rake in annually from charging more for First Class, or for the myriad of boarding groups that separate the premium travelers from the peasants.

Still, there are better ways to herd passengers onto a plane like people instead of like cattle.

Check out the video below and discover a better way to board a plane.




OK WASSUP! covers Travel News:
How to make boarding a plane easier.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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