Boehner and Netanyahu Team Up Against Obama
January 17, 2015
Unbiased Political News
It’s no secret that the Republican Party simply does not like Barack Obama. However, Netanyahu doesn’t like him either. So, in an unprecedented thumbing of the nose to the POTUS and in a blatant attempt to skirt all foreign formality and decorum, Boehner has invited Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of congress. Boehner didn’t arrange the speech with the White House and Netanyahu accepted the invitation without a formal invitation from Mr. Obama. No matter how you look at it, this goes completely against diplomatic protocol and is a great big no-no.
Prime Minister Netanyahu strongly disagrees with President Obama over the direction of the current Iranian nuclear negotiations and Speaker Boehner and his conservative cohorts disagree with President Obama on practically everything. Because of this political tension, Boehner and Netanyahu concocted this congressional event to purposely bypass the president and make a political statement on the world stage that no other world leader would dare attempt against a sitting fellow world leader.
Partisanship is par for the course in American politics, however it has long been an unwritten rule that there is no such thing as partisanship when it comes to foreign affairs. This “us-against-the-world” mentality has lasted through Republican and Democratic presidencies alike — until now — and it is creating a brewing catastrophe both at home and abroad.
In defiance of this blatant and disrespectful slap in the face to a sitting President of the United States, Vice-President Joe Biden has joined a cadre of Democratic lawmakers (including the entire Congressional Black Caucus) in announcing that they will boycott the speech. Sen. Patrick Leahy, the Senate’s most senior lawmaker, is calling this a huge embarrassment for Israel and Israelis are in disbelief at the disregard their own prime minister is planning.
Unbiased Political News
“As an Israeli this was sad for me to hear,” said Tal Schneider, an Israeli political blogger and journalist. “If this is how we are perceived by the senior senator (Leahy), then, you know, what will other people think?”
The Jerusalem Post, a center-right paper that usually supports Netanyahu, has come out in an editorial against the speech. “Netanyahu believes that he needs to save the world, that he’s the only one who can do it,” said Gil Hoffman, senior political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, who believes the speech is a bad idea and will set a dangerous precedent.
In a recent poll, 47% of Israelis questioned said they think Netanyahu should cancel his appearance. However, the brash Netanyahu said this week he is determined to speak to Congress before world powers reach their March 31st deadline on the Iranian negotiations.
Political observers believe Netanyahu may have bitten off more than he can chew by joining forces with Boehner and getting in the middle of American politics. Since he is up for reelection on March 17th, it may be too late for him to back out of the speech now, as his political foes back home will almost certainly turn this into an election issue of Netanyahu looking weak.
Netanyahu is banking on voters to see him as a leader with chutzpah. Boehner is following the Republican playbook to attempt to demise President Obama at every turn and at any cost. Meanwhile, American politics has reached a new low by pitting a world leader against a sitting U.S. President for partisan gain. So much for the “United” States of America.
I hadn't heard about this but this should be treason. You can't go get a foreign government so you can play politics with a president you don't like. If Dems had done this against Bush or Reagan everybody would be hollering no patriotism. Heads should roll on this one for sure and Netanyahu should be ashamed for being played.
According to a new CNN/ORC survey, a large majority of Americans believe that Republican congressional leaders should not have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress without consulting the White House first.
Looks like the Boehner/Netanyahu plan is backfiring.
My recent post Bruce Jenner: Transgender To Murderer?
Cosign with all points made by BD.
I heard about this last week and DJ is correct….it IS backfiring. And it serves "Bibi" and the Repubs right.
What we have here is clear ATTEMPT (one of many FAILED attempts btw) by Israeli Zionist NUTjobs and their right-wing Repub puppets to openly *diss* Our President – an AFRICAN-American man, duly elected TWICE by a clear majority of American voters to protect and represent the interest of THIS country_the Unites States_ first and foremost. NOT Israel or any other country.
Our President is NOT afraid to stand up to "Bibi" and his Zionist regime, especially when their foreign policy interests directly conflicts with Ours and threatens to undermine the foreign policy goals and objectives put forth by Our President.
And the President darn sure AIN'T the least bit intimidated by the Repubs and their American neoCON (Israel-First) puppet-masters.
Pres. Obama is an American-FIRST kinda guy….and as such he cannot and will NOT be controlled by Extremists of any ilk, foreign or domestic.