Comments on: Boehner and Netanyahu Team Up Against Obama News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:51:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 18 Feb 2015 16:49:18 +0000 Cosign with all points made by BD.

I heard about this last week and DJ is correct….it IS backfiring. And it serves "Bibi" and the Repubs right.

What we have here is clear ATTEMPT (one of many FAILED attempts btw) by Israeli Zionist NUTjobs and their right-wing Repub puppets to openly *diss* Our President – an AFRICAN-American man, duly elected TWICE by a clear majority of American voters to protect and represent the interest of THIS country_the Unites States_ first and foremost. NOT Israel or any other country.

Our President is NOT afraid to stand up to "Bibi" and his Zionist regime, especially when their foreign policy interests directly conflicts with Ours and threatens to undermine the foreign policy goals and objectives put forth by Our President.

And the President darn sure AIN'T the least bit intimidated by the Repubs and their American neoCON (Israel-First) puppet-masters.

Pres. Obama is an American-FIRST kinda guy….and as such he cannot and will NOT be controlled by Extremists of any ilk, foreign or domestic.

By: _DJ Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:36:59 +0000 According to a new CNN/ORC survey, a large majority of Americans believe that Republican congressional leaders should not have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress without consulting the White House first.

Looks like the Boehner/Netanyahu plan is backfiring.

My recent post Bruce Jenner: Transgender To Murderer?

By: Mr. BD Tue, 17 Feb 2015 17:39:53 +0000 I hadn't heard about this but this should be treason. You can't go get a foreign government so you can play politics with a president you don't like. If Dems had done this against Bush or Reagan everybody would be hollering no patriotism. Heads should roll on this one for sure and Netanyahu should be ashamed for being played.
