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Book Signing Goes Wrong For GOP Rep. MTG

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What would you do if you had a book signing party but nobody came?

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That’s a question currently facing Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, whose recent ‘tell-all’ book all about her life was such a flop, virtually no one cared she was holding a signing event or bothered even to show up.

Book Signing

Last weekend, the Donald Trump sycophant traveled throughout Florida and hosted several signing parties for her new tell-all book MTG, which hit shelves on November 21st. However, attendance (and interest) was so low, Twitter/X users captured and posted embarrassing images of MTG sitting for hours at a time with a table full of books and a line full of.. well… nobody.

Her humiliation sank so low, that MTG eventually moved her event to what appeared to be a pre-school where she faked signing a book for a non-existent reader.

As if that wasn’t enough, a Florida venue canceled the MTG book signing after discovering that the event was advertised as a celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol

“Just another day in Florida where the local Republican Party in Osceola County is hosting an ‘anniversary’ event to mark January 6th and Marjorie Taylor Green is the ‘special’ guest,” Democratic State Representative Anna V. Eskamani posted on Twitter/X. “Was really hoping this was a joke when I first saw it.”

However, instead of apologizing for using the Capitol Hill insurrection as an advertising tool to sell her boring book, Greene took a page out of the Trump playbook and blamed others for her failed signing event.

“The Communist Democrats tried to shut down my book signing. They lost!” she wrote on Twitter/X.

However, the truth is that Democrats didn’t need to “ruin” her signing event. She ruined it herself by writing a book and believing anyone would be interested in it.

Had people attended in droves with lines wrapped around the block, MTG and her handlers would have had those photos plastered all over the internet bragging about the book and her success. Instead, they’ve gone into hiding and are simply not discussing it — or, probably hoping to forget it ever happened.

Talk about making a fool of one’s self.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Smh. This is what happens when a “slow,” extremely ignorant and hateful person is elected to represent a “slow,” extremely ignorant and hateful district of voters and thinks that he or she is actually a legend in his or her own little twisted mind.

Outside of their mucked up district or even city or state, politicians like MTG are far right clowns. Dangerous. But far right clowns nonetheless.

Even their own voters know they’re full of it. Wannabees and Losers.

Last edited 9 months ago by Truthiz1

Oh this is too funny. Especially that pic of one man getting a book. What made this lady think anybody cares about her life in a book? Most of the Maga fools she represents probably cannot read anyway. DJ is right this book will be at the Dollar Tree in a month.

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