Comments on: Border Recording: A Cacophony Of Children’s Cries News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 02 Jul 2018 05:25:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 20 Jun 2018 01:10:01 +0000 In reply to Wil.

“He would risk alienating base voters who prize his strongman image on one issue above all…” – CNN

Now keep in mind, by now ALL Americans know the truth about the FAKE “strongman” in the White House. He is in fact a 5Xs draft-dodging COWARD…and his voters are just fine with that. He is, after all, a reflection of THEM. So they can Spare Me any need for Trump to keep up his FAKE “image.”

By: Wil Tue, 19 Jun 2018 19:51:23 +0000 (CNN)The most telling statement of the ongoing border crisis involving the separation of families came Monday night from Ohio Republican Rep. Steve Stivers.

“As a father, I know firsthand that there is nothing more important than family, and I understand why kids need to be with their parents,” Stivers wrote on Facebook. “That’s why I have publicly come out against separating children from their parents at the border. I am writing a letter to understand the current policies and to ask the Administration to stop needlessly separating children from their parents. If the policy is not changed, I will support other means to stop unnecessary separation of children from their parents.”
Why is Stivers’ opposition to the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy toward families attempting to cross the border illegally so important? Because Stivers is the head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign arm for House Republicans. In that role, Stivers is tasked with holding onto the party’s 23-seat majority in November.
All of which means that Stivers isn’t just opposing the family separation policy of the Trump administration. He’s allowing any and all House candidates to break with the President too. And he’s sending a very clear signal to the White House: You need to stop fighting this fight because it is hurting our chances — badly.

By: Wil Tue, 19 Jun 2018 19:50:26 +0000 (CNN)Logic suggests that the White House, under crushing political pressure, would be forced to back down on its hardline immigration policy amid outrage over searing depictions of kids separated from their parents at the southern border.

But while the swirling political crisis over the “zero tolerance” approach to undocumented migrants might convince a conventional White House to seek a way out, this administration is so far digging in. It is sticking to a strategy of falsely blaming Democrats and past administrations for a practice that it decided to adopt and could change anytime it wanted to.
“The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility,” President Donald Trump declared on Monday.
A climbdown on this issue would represent more than a huge embarrassment for the President. It would undermine his political image and philosophy and require him to admit he’s wrong and to temper instincts that force him to counterattack.
He would risk alienating base voters who prize his strongman image on one issue above all — immigration — and are more inclined to believe that people who cross the border illegally get what they deserve than to react with compassion to reports by media outlets they disdain.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 19 Jun 2018 19:39:08 +0000 Predictably THE WORLD is watching this American-created tragedy play out in living color. If there is one thing I give Trump credit for it is this – Trump has RIPPED the covers off of mythical America and revealed the “Real” America to Americans and to the world. And THAT America brings tears to the eyes of Lady Liberty.

No doubt, many if not most of these children are already experiencing some degree of psychological and/or emotional trauma that may very well affect their lives for the rest of their lives i.e., Major depression and Anxiety.

“Foreign media spotlight U.S. family separations”

The world is watching as the United States grapples with family separations near its southern border, according to foreign media covering the controversial Trump administration actions. Across the world, outlets have highlighted backlash against President Trump for the “zero tolerance” practice of prosecuting everyone who crosses the border illegally. Media outlets located overseas and in U.S. neighbors that have run coverage of the administration’s actions frequently portray the situation as a crisis. […] -Politico

By: Mr.BD Tue, 19 Jun 2018 18:39:17 +0000 This was real hard to listen to. Then looking at the drawing of the statue of liberty basically crying said it all. Like Truth said these children had nothing to do with their parents decision but they are still being punished. It makes me sad to even think about how they have to be feeling right about now. I can not even imagine what I would have felt like if somebody took me from my parents when I was around five years old. This has to stop.
