Current Events

Border Wall In Colorado? Trump Says YES!

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Did you know Donald Trump was building a border wall in Colorado?  Apparently, ‘The Donald’ is the only one who knows it or even believes it’s necessary.

Current Events
Yes, Liar-In-Chief Donald Trump allowed his braggadocious nature to get the best of him this week when he announced that he’s so good at building walls to keep those (dirty) Mexicans out, that he’s even building a border wall in Colorado.

“And we’re building a wall on the border of New Mexico and we’re building a wall in Colorado, we’re building a beautiful wall, a big one that really works that you can’t get over, you can’t get under and we’re building a wall in Texas. We’re not building a wall in Kansas but they get the benefit of the walls we just mentioned,” Trump boasted.

The only problem is:  Colorado is NOWHERE NEAR Mexico.  In fact, the state is so far from the border that New Mexico and Texas are between Colorado and the country of Mexico.  Additionally, not only is no border wall being built in Colorado, but ZERO new border walls have been built since Trump began bragging that they were.

Border Wall In Colorado

Oh well, the guy is so used to lying that even he can’t keep up with the truth.  Check out the video of Trump’s geographically challenged brand of dishonesty below, then watch CNN completely rip him apart for his penchant to stretch the truth beyond belief.




OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Is there really a border wall in Colorado???


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. “…the guy is so used to lying that even he can’t keep up with the truth.” – DJ

    There you go again DJ. being much too kind. Trump knows what the truth is but he has Zero interest in living in a world of Truth and Facts -they simply do not Fit into the make-believe world he constructs for himself on a daily basis, at any given moment in time.

    In a nano-second he impulsively bounces from one make-believe world to the next, as it suites him. It’s second-nature to the guy. But I hesitate to call him delusional. He knows darn well the world he lives in is “Fake.” But it’s the only world he can function in. It’s where he’s the Master of his own universe,

    In Trump’s world up is down and down is up. Darkness is light and light is darkens. Most disturbingly, in that world Trump is the greatest, most honest, and smartest President in American history. And WE Are. Screwed.


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