Gay & Lesbian

Boy Scouts And Ireland Adopt Gay Rights

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Chalk up another victory for Gay Rights.  The Boy Scouts of America have decided to accept adult leaders who happen to be gay, while the country of Ireland has voted to approve same-sex marriage nationwide.

same-sex marriage current events gay marriage

BSA President Robert M. Gates announced last week that he will not revoke the charters of local councils which permit gay adult leaders. His move doesn’t call for an official vote, but it does open the door for more local councils and troops to act as they see fit.

“We must deal with the world as it is,” Gates said to assembled Scout leaders. “Not as we might wish it to be.”

The move was applauded by gay rights activists.

“This is another step forward for the Boy Scouts of America,” said Scouts for Equality’s Zach Walhs. “I’m proud to see Dr. Gates chartering a course towards full equality in the BSA. While our work won’t be done until we see a full end to their ban on gay adults once and for all, today’s decision moves the Boy Scouts in that direction.”

The Boy Scouts of America were not the only ones to come to terms with same-sex relationships, as Ireland also made history with an unprecedented voter mandate.
Last Friday, voters in Ireland overwhelmingly voted to change their nation’s constitution, becoming the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote.

same-sex marriage current events gay marriage The official results were astounding: 1,201,607 voted in favor of the landmark referendum, while 734,300 voted against it. The numbers were impressive for the predominately Catholic nation, where voter turnout was more than 60%.

“In Ireland, we’re known as a nation of storytellers,” said Deputy Prime Minister Joan Burton. “And today, the people have told quite some story. This is a magical, moving moment.”

“The world is moving on and Ireland is taking the lead,” added Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness.

OK America, time to wake up.  You’re now officially on the clock!


OK WASSUP! covers Gay Rights issues, including the 
Boy Scouts of America accepting gay leaders and 
Ireland becoming the first nation to vote for same-sex marriage.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. My how times have quckly Changed when it comes to the issue of Equality For ALL, including Gays!!!….and not just here in America but in other modern Western societies, as well.

    There's much about this world that is quite messy…even frightening.

    But the truth is, there is also still an awful lot of Good in this world.

    People can and DO make the difference. People always have. People always will.

    And for THAT I am so Thankful.!

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