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Boy Scouts Jamboree Ruined By Donald Trump

- Profanity-laced political speech has parents seething

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boy scouts

The Boy Scouts of America invited a bizarre guest to speak at their annual jamboree:  Donald Trump.  Now, they are remorseful and regretting every moment of “The Donald’s” visit.

Current Events
On Monday, Trump appeared before 40,000 boy scouts from around the globe and immediately promised he would not talk politics.  So, what do you think happened next?  He starting talking politics.


Trump stood before the group of 12 to 18-year-old boys, ripping Obamacare and Hillary Clinton to shreds.  Next, he mocked Democrats on their surprise loss that elevated him to The White House. He even told racy stories about his life as a New York playboy.

Can anyone spell I-N-A-P-P-R-O-P-R-I-A-T-E??

Trump’s appearance was such a fiasco, that hundreds of parents have since pulled their sons out of the boy scouts and blamed the historic organization for subjecting their boys to the vile political presentation.

As a former Scout, as well as a former employee of Philmont Scout Ranch, I am beyond appalled that the Jamboree was turned into a political rally tonight. Unless the BSA condemns the President’s conduct (which included bullying, name-calling, and swearing) in strong and clear terms, I will know that there is no place for my two sons in scouting. – Concerned Parent


The embarrassed Boy Scouts of America have since issued a public apology.

“I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree,” Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh said in a statement. “That was never our intent.”

So, scouts, let this be a lesson to you.  Donald Trump, children, and the hopes of a nonpartisan environment simply don’t mix.

Watch CNN’s Jake Tapper break down Trump’s train wreck before the scouts in the video below.





OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Donald Trump ruins Boy Scouts Jamboree


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Your first sentence says it all DJ:

    “The Boy Scouts of America invited a BIZARRE guest to speak at their annual jamboree: Donald Trump.”

    And only AFTER Biff…..I mean, Donald delivered his USUAL vile and ignorant and totally inappropriate speech, does it dawn on the Chief Scout Executive that inviting Biff…..I mean the first place was a really really BAD idea!?!

    Not only is it yet another stark example of a person being in a powerful position of authority who is patently UNfit for that position. #Stuck.On.Stupid.

    But sadly, it also further reveals, IMO, just how far WE, as a “civilized” society have declined.


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