Comments on: BP COMPARES LIVES TO “3 Little Pigs” News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Sun, 13 Jun 2010 16:19:06 +0000 As I see it and have expressed before: BP is, at the very least, guilty of CRIMINAL negligence rooted in its callous pursuit of $$ and an operating mindset of DEPRAVED indifference for the health, safety and well-being of its oil rig workers AND local Gulf communities/residents…to say nothing of the catastrophic impact on environmental and ecological systems. But FOR ME the bigger story in this disaster is that it demonstrates YET AGAIN how “WE The People” are so easily PLAYED by the U.S. government which (among OTHER egregious failings) has been complicit, FOR DECADES, in allowing _NOT JUST BP_but “BIG business” in general, to write their own bullsh*t operating rules and regulations. Government officials, politicians, former politicians now tuned lobbyists IN BED with “Big Business,” getting PAID pennies on the dollar, like a $2 crack-head prostitute, by corporations driven to make, and pursue, MORE $$$ by ANY means necessary with literally NO government interference or oversight. Pick a company_any company_with a “problematic’ history of REPEATED safety violations and smaller (LESS visible) catastrophes. BP, Massa Mining, etc. The “government” knows full well about the troubling histories of those companies and yet, in most cases, the so-called “penalty” amounts to A JOKE. Absent the REAL threat of execs being sent to JAIL it’s back to business as usual. PREDICTABLY, a man-made Catastrophe so large that it can’t be ignored or swept under the rug away from PUBLIC view (and condemnation) happens and all H*ll breaks loose! Then, and ONLY THEN, does the government step in and give THE APPEARANCE that it’s on top of things.” Bowing to public pressure to “DO SOMETHING!” promises are made left and right. The crisis recedes. The majority of public fury dies down in very little time (due to Our collective short attention span and the media’s need to move on to the next “big” story) _it’s back to “business as usual” for all of the “partners in CRIME.” Will the Obama administration seriously begin to break down Corrupt patterns and alliances??? We shall see.But frankly: With the exception of my Conditional trust in the President, I’ve reached the point where I don’t trust my government (the men and women on Capitol Hill) AT ALL right now.
