Sarah Palin and Fox News Split!
Sarah Palin and Fox News have divorced!
Yes, the “marriage” between the wacky news network and the even wackier Palin — the one we were all sure would last — has ended. Fox has revoked Palin’s studio ID card, taken her diatribes off the air and sent her on her merry way.
So what happened?
Naturally, both sides have issued statements saying they hold the highest respect for the other, they wish each other the best in future endeavors, blah blah blah! But there have been signs of tension for months now.
Palin decided to use a conservative radio show and not Fox News to announce that she would not be a candidate for president in 2012. Then, a PO’d Fox canceled Palin’s appearance one night at the GOP convention because no one cared to hear from her due to a “shortened schedule because of Hurricane Sandy.” Fox also started to show more love to former Bush adviser Karl Rove and less to Sarah Palin. The end was near.
Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes said in an interview “I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.” But with the GOP trying to reshape its image and Madame Palin becoming more and more of a “has-been,” it appears she’s neither hot or a ratings getter no more.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
Finally we don't have to hear from this woman again. Her fifteen minutes are up.
If anyone had told me that following the 2008 McCain-Palin loss that this extremely ignorant, divisive and nasty woman would still be a political factor in 2013 (to ANY degree) I probably would NOT have believed it.
But despite all of her obvious flaws she managed to stretch her 15 minutes of fame into darn near 5 yrs on the public stage…thanks in large part to cable news FOX. CNN and MSNBC.
Is her so-called star greatly diminshed now? Yes. But I suspect she'll hang on just a bit longer before finally being forced to just GO. AWAY.
And I still say that McCain should be thrown out of the Senate for foisting this mindless nightmare onto the American political stage in the first place.