Comments on: BP FAILS! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 08 Jun 2010 13:49:34 +0000 This is an EPIC FAIL of multiple industries!And it crystallizes, at least for me, a few major points:First: The corrupt and sleazy state of affairs between “Big business” and the U.S. government. H*ll, in some cases drilling permits were approved in as little as 10 MINUTES!..and so-called “regulations" and oversight” are a joke. Now you have 11 people DEAD and untold injury is being inflicted upon the environmental and ecological systems in the gulf_and other regions as the oil drifts; to say nothing of the economic impact. This is SERIOUS sh*t and We're all going to end up paying the price for it, one way or another! Second: Experts now admit that research into effective crisis management for dealing with crisis of this nature has been pretty much NON-existent since the late 80ss_which means the U.S. is at least 20 YEARS BEHIND in oil-rig crisis management technology while technology for drilling deeper and deeper _and lucrative drilling CONTRACT$ have been “full speed ahead” over the same time period.Every administration since Reagan (including the Obama admin) and in particular EVERY politician that’s been bought off by big Corporate CRIMINAL Enterprises (like BP) share the blame for this catastrophic yet PREVENTABLE man-made disaster!So here’s my question: How on earth is the Obama admin going to investigate this oil spill without also investigating ITSELF and the Bush/CHENEY admin’s complicit role in the criminal actions clearly undertaken by BP and related corporations??? I fully support a REAL investigation into this entire mess. And no doubt, the Obama administration is under a tremendous amount of public pressure to hold BP legally accountable for this HIGH crime via uncapped financial liability AND JAIL TIME for some BP execs. But quite frankly, IF anyone is actually ever charged in this spill, I will be surprised! Very Pleased. But surprised.

By: BD Mon, 07 Jun 2010 19:38:49 +0000 The real damage to the Gulf and those people won't be seen for years. But it will be beyond devestating. So sad.
