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Was Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s finger pointing blow up in the face of the President of the United States last week a spontaneous emotional burst, or a strategically planned performance staged by Brewer for her Republican base?  Likely, it was the latter!

Once the image of Brewer seeming to argue with President Obama went viral, Brewer immediately raced to appear on various national news programs to tell “her side” of the story.  According to Brewer, she was an innocent angel who was only on the tarmac to welcome President Obama to Arizona.  But once he stepped off Air Force One, he tore into her with a vengeance, attacking her for statements she made about him in her new book.  Then, said Brewer, she felt “threatened” by him (her exact words).

Threatened? Really, Jan?? Did you seriously think the President of the United States was 2 seconds away from physically attacking you???

It’s the classic white woman vs. black man mentality from slavery days, when all a white woman had to do was scream that she felt threatened — and that was enough to get a black man hanged.  It was played with precision during the era of slavery and it was played with precision by Brewer last week.

Brewer’s performance on the tarmac was an Oscar worthy performance:  greet Mr. Obama as he exited Air Force One; bait him into an unexpected discussion about immigration; point a finger in his face, sending the just-out-of-earshot news media into a photo snapping frenzy; then run and appear on camera to proclaim how threatened you felt as he verbally attacked you, when you were only trying to be welcoming and polite.  Brewer even went so far as to hand deliver Mr. Obama a sweetly written note by her, one that she could later publish in the press as proof that her intentions were chaste and pristine. Classic, just classic!

One thing Brewer was unprepared for, was when CNN’s John King asked her on live TV if it was ever OK for anyone to point a finger into the face of the President of the United States, regardless of the reason.  Brewer was visibly stumped and has still been unable to accurately respond.

But the savvy Mr. Obama was much too smart to be pulled into her political trick bag and called the rude encounter with Brewer “no big deal.”

“I think it’s always good publicity for a Republican if they’re in an argument with me,” he explained to the press.  Touche’, Mr. President!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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