Comments on: A BROKEN GOP News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: BD Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:02:23 +0000 Good read here DJ. And on point as usual Truth with your take on the whole thing. I honestly think the Republican party is dying. Or at least they are becoming fringe party. Unless something crazy happens no way they beat Obama in the fall. 

By: Truthiz Wed, 22 Feb 2012 20:38:07 +0000 <span>Roger Simon @Politico: "Republicans are sighing, not cheering"   The most notable factor in the Republican presidential race thus far is the depth of despair into which Republican voters have sunk.   They cannot find a candidate. Faced with a Democratic incumbent who appears shockingly weak to them, the Republicans have been unable to find a big nominee with a big voice to oppose him. </span><span></span><span>Instead</span><span>, they are finding a series of small nominees with squeaky voices. Some think the Republican Party’s problem is that its voters have failed to “coalesce” around a single candidate. That is not the problem.   The problem is that there is no candidate around whom Republicans can coalesce. The field is not just weak, <span>it is barren</span>.   The GOP is now the party of woulda, coulda, shoulda. If only this governor had run. If only that person had not dropped out early. If only there had not been so many debates to introduce the candidates to the American people long before the candidates were ready to be introduced.   Today, what ushers forth from the throats of loyal Republicans is not a cheer, but a sigh.  [….]   Read:…</span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:55:06 +0000 <span>Quote  One of the arguments Senator Rick Santorum made on behalf of his campaign was that if he were the nominee, he’d succeed in making Barack Obama the subject of the election, not himself.  That was was before Santorum shot to the top of the GOP field. What candidates can never fully anticipate, until they’re considered a frontrunner, is the sheer intensity of the focus on their past record and words. That’s now happening to Santorum, and suddenly he’s on the defensive, despite his best efforts to avoid that from happening. </span><span></span><span>The main (though not exclusive) problem for Santorum is his rhetorical approach to social issues. He’s said he would be the one president who would talk about the damage contraception does to American society. He’s spoken quite openly about criminalizing doctors who perform abortions. He’s made a passionate case against prenatal testing. He’s been quite forthright in his views against homosexual acts, about women in combat, and about women in the workforce. He’s given a speech in in which he’s said Satan has systematically targeted the key institutions in American life. The danger for Santorum is that, fairly or not, these statements and stands, separately and (especially) combined, create a portrait of a person who is censorious and sits in critical judgment of the lifestyle of most Americans. </span><span></span><span>The prospect of an American president using the “bully pulpit” to speak out about the dangers and damaging effects of contraception on American society (including among married couples) is not a reassuring one. [….]                                                                                        ~Peter Wehner, Wed. Feb. 22,2012  Read: "Rick Santorum and the Social Issues"…</span><span></span><span>Just an FYI: CNN is hosting the Arizona (and perhaps final) GOP debate tonight. As usual, I won't be watching it. But I will be periodically checking in on Sullivan's live-blogging of the event. </span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:36:40 +0000 <span>Quote   What I find somewhat infuriating in the language of the linked poll is the notion that wanting to recriminalize all abortion in every state and end all civil unions/marriages for gay couples is somehow "conservative." It would be radically opposed to the state of affairs that has existed in this country for decades. Opposing marriage equality can be called many things, but "socially conservative" is simply not one of them. When you favor weakening the social signals that encourage commitment, responsibility, family integration and stability, you are not socially conservative. You are, in fact, advocating the kind of social signal that deems a small minority of society outside of and beneath all moral norms.   [….]                                                        ~ Andrew Sullivan, Wed. Feb 22, 2012   The Dish: "Santorum's Base"…</span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 22 Feb 2012 18:12:21 +0000 Uh-Oh….Streiff @Redstate: "VA Governor Bob McDonnell Hangs VA GOP Out To Dry"[UPDATE: I'm informed by someone very much in touch with the Virginia political scene that the root of the problem is the Bob McDonnell's staff are, at the best, pro-life squishes and they are presently negotiating with themselves over the best way of selling out.]Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, <span>a Romney suporter and leading contender for the VP spot on a Romney-headed ticket,</span> demonstrated his complete philosophical alignment with Romney yesterday by flipflopping on a bill he has championed and in the process hanging VA GOP delegates out to dry.For those who haven’t been paying attention, Virginia’s legislature has been going after the abortion industry root and branch. Last year they passed a law requiring aborttoirs to be regulated as if they did what they do: perform a surgical procedure which can be life threatening. This year a bill is being finalized that requires a woman seeking an abortion to see ultrasound pictures of the baby.Up until yesterday, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell had <span>unconditionally supoorted the bill.</span> [….]Read:…However, TODAY it's being reported that the right-wing Governor is now "backing off his unconditional support for the bill." Read: "Virginia governor no longer fully supports ultrasounds before abortions"
