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Bundy, Oregon Terrorists Arrested

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Ammon Bundy and occupiers arrested

Current Events –
Bundy, Oregon Terrorists Arrested

After 24 days and the utter lawlessness of occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, Ammon Bundy and several of his government-hating terrorists have FINALLY been arrested.

Bundy occupiers

Current Events
Federal authorities arrested the militia/terrorist leader, as well as his brother Ryan and at least 8 of their followers during a traffic stop late Tuesday.  In an attempt to avoid capture, Bundy and his gang opened fire on authorities as they made the stop. According to the F.B.I. and the Oregon State Police, at least 1 person was killed in the melee.

The group adopted the name Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, then seized and occupied several buildings at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, about 30 miles southeast of Burns, Oregon. The refuge is operated by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and is government property. Their actions were in retaliation against the arrest of 2 local ranchers (Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., 73, and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond, 46), who were sent to prison for setting fires on federal land.

Bundy - LaVoy Finicum
LaVoy Finicum

Ammon and Ryan Bundy, Brian Cavalier, Shawna Cox and Ryan W. Payne were arrested during the stop. Joseph Donald O’Shaughnessy and online talk-show radio host Peter Santilli were arrested in Burns. Jon Ritzheimer was arrested after surrendering to authorities in his home state of Arizona.  Each of the men are facing federal felony charges of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties, through the use of force, intimidation or threats.

LaVoy Finicum, who often spoke on behalf of the group at news conferences, was shot and killed during the confrontation. Ryan Bundy suffered a non-life threatening injury in the shooting.

Current Events
Despite 8 of the terrorist members being captured, an unknown number of them remain holed up inside the federal compound, which they have occupied since January 2nd.

“I am relieved this situation is coming to and end, however, I am saddened by the loss of life,” Harney County Judge Steve Grasty said Tuesday. “I hope and pray that those who remain at the refuge will stand down peacefully.”

Public sentiment has not been kind toward local and state authorities, for allowing the group of all white terrorists to overtake federal property for weeks without recourse. Many believe that had members of the Black Lives Matter movement or a group of Muslims seized and occupied federal property, authorities would have long since raided the property and arrested and/or killed everyone.

Bundy black vs white
Black protesters get police with guns. White protesters get police with a handshake.



OK WASSUP! covers current events, including
the arrest of Oregon terrorist Ammon Bundy and followers.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Keep em coming DJ……

    Glad to hear that this spectacle is (for the most part) over. And though there are still a few fake soldiers refusing to surrender my guess is..with their leaders arleady in custody they will probably surrender soon (if they haven't done so already).

    Actually all things considered (how this entire event has played out) this story…and similar stories…gives me a lot of Hope for Our country.

    The leaders of this motley group of right-wing domestic terrorists, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, sent out a call to other like-minded right-ring groups to come join their occupation. But pretty much No One showed up.

    In fact, even their father Cliven Bundy (a right-wing nutjob himself) tried warning his sons that the occupation was a very BAD idea. They didn't listen.

    Now – I do agree with everyone who says that had a group of Blacks or Muslims or Hispanics/Latinos, or even Native American Indians, tried pulling this stunt, that group would have been met with deadly force very early on.

    But here's why I think law enforcement handled this situation mostly right.

    Right-wingers are mostly White Supremacists who automatically assume White priviledge no matter their individual socio-economic status.

    During this occupation most of White America (including White Supremacist groups) looked at this bunch of lawless and *NOT too bright* yahoos and basically rejected them and their cause. THAT's a powerful message!

    Thus far: Only one person has died and one person was treated for a Non-life threatning wound. Not a bad outcome for law enforcement.


    This sorry tale reminds me of several FAILED right-wing attempts (during Pres. Obama's presidency) to have their crazy-azz demands met by threatening to take some hostile action or another….only to have those threats FAIL spectacularly due to LACK of support.

    1. "Truckers plan 3-day slowdown on D.C. Beltway" Oct. 2013

    2. "Another Day, Another Failed Right Wing Rally in Washington" Sept 2014

    Just to mention a few.

  2. First of all thank you DJ for calling them terrorists. A lot of people want to call them occupiers, protesters, or anything besides what they really are. If Muslims had done this they would have been called terrorist right away. I clicked on one of the links in this story and found a good Washington Post article about calling them what they are.

    Anyway I have to take a rare disagree with Truth on this one. Yes its a good thing only one person died but I don't like the double standard on how they handled this. They brought out army tanks and police in riot gear on black people in Ferguson. We all know they would have tear gassed the place on the first day if it was some black or brown people pulling this stunt. But they have a pic of police shaking hands with the leader?? No way this was right. Don't separate how law is enforced by blacks and whites.

    1. I undersatnd you point BD … is certainly well made my friend.

      And in a perfect world I am right there with you. There should be NO double standard regarding how Blacks and Whites are treated in in America …especially when it comes to enforcing the law.

      But we don't live In a perfect world. We live in America – where double-standards, rooted in White racism and White priviledge still rules the day in far too many cases.

      So then, I ask…how do We achive that Change…that Full Equality…we seek and deserve?

      I'm all ears BD. Help me out here.

      Because right now I truly believe We will NOT experience real *Change* in America until/unless a sizeable percentage of White America supports that vision too. The fact that no one came to join the Bundy bunch speaks volumes.

      You may still disagree with me(?)…and that's alright.

      I'm a big girl, I can take it. 😉

      1. No we don't live in a perfect world. But I'm not talking about changing the system. i'm talking about making it equal for everybody. Don't send tanks to stop black protesters but do nothing when it's white protesters. The main reason there is a Black lives matter movement is because we get treated different. There is no easy answer but like I said before I think they mishandled this whole thing. If police want respect that have to earn it by showing they treat everybody the same.

        LOL and I know you're a big girl and can handle it.

        1. Cops had to send tanks cuz the blacks were rioting and looting. These guys in Oregon only went in a empty building and stayed. There's a real difference there bro.

  3. Breaking News: Wed. night Jan. 27, 2016

    Bundy to followers at Oregon refuge "Stand down. Go home. And hug your families"

    Just heard this on the news. The message was delivered via Ammon Bundy's lawyer.

    BURNS , Ore., Jan. 27 (UPI) — The man who led the occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon for more than three weeks, and was arrested there Tuesday, has instructed followers still at the bird sanctuary to leave the property and go home.

    "I'm asking the federal government to allow the people at the refuge to go home without being prosecuted," Bundy said in a statement delivered by his lawyer, Mike Arnold. "To those at the refuge, I love you. Let us take this fight from here. Please stand down. Please stand down. Go home and hug your families." […]

    H/T: MSNBC

    I'm still hopeful that the stand-off will end without further bloodshed. But that will be up to Bundy's followers who have chosen to drag this thing out awhile longer.

    I'm pretty sure they know they're going to be arrested too…but we shall see if they surrender..

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