Bush Quits; Trump and Clinton Win
Politics –
Bush Quits; Trump and Clinton Win
It was a night of status quo on Saturday in the Republican South Carolina Primary and the Democrats Nevada Caucus — with Jeb Bush providing one very big surprise ending.
After losing the New Hampshire Caucus to Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton got back to her winning ways with the Nevada Caucus, beating Sanders 52.6% to 47.3%.
“Thank you, Nevada, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much,” a jubilant Hillary Clinton said during her victory speech. “I want to thank each and every one of you. You turned out in every corner of this state with determination and purpose.”
Then in a special message to young voters, whom she’s been accused of not connecting with, Mrs. Clinton promised to take on the very relevant issue of student loan debt.
“I have a plan to cut your interest rates, and cap payments so you never have to pay more than you can afford,” Clinton said. “But, I want you to think about this. It can’t be just about what we’re going to give to you, it has to be what we’re going to build together. Your generation is the most tolerant, and connected our country has ever seen. In the days ahead we will propose new ways for more Americans to get involved in national service and give back to our communities because every one of us has a role to play in building the future we want.”
Despite coming in a close 2nd, Bernie Sanders was humble in defeat.
“A little while ago, I called up Secretary Clinton and congratulated her and her staff for their victory here in Nevada,’ Sanders said during his concession speech. “They ran a very aggressive, effective campaign and I applaud them for their efforts.”
For the Republicans, Donald Trump handily beat his challengers in the South Carolina Primary, winning with 32.7% of the vote.
“Thank you very much, everybody,” Trump said during victory remarks. “Well, I want to begin by thanking the people of South Carolina. This is a special state. Thank you. These are special people and we got a little boost last week from a place we all remember — New Hampshire. We can’t forget it.”
Trump’s closest competitor, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz came in 2nd with 22.3%, while Florida Sen. Marco Rubio ended the evening only a hair behind Cruz, with 22.2%.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has been struggling to find his footing in the GOP contest, garnered a disappointing 7.8%. Despite pulling out all stops of late by adding his mother, former First Lady Barbara Bush and his brother, former President George W. Bush to campaign stops, Jeb failed to make even a respectable showing. Realizing the writing on the wall, he ended his campaign Saturday night.
“The people of Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken and I really respect their decision, so tonight I am suspending my campaign,” Bush said, before being overcome with emotion. In the end, the negative effects of the last Bush presidency combined with the shiny, new toy known as “Trump” was just too much for Jeb to overcome.
With Bush now out of the running, Sen. Rubio told his supporters on Saturday night, “This has now become a three person race.” His words were almost certainly directed toward Gov. John Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson, who continue to show poorly and are merely hanging on to their presidential hopes by a thread. Then in an “Us vs. Him” mentality, both Rubio and Cruz sounded the alarm, urging establishment Republicans and the rest of the party to quickly coalesce around their campaigns and stop Trump before it’s too late.
“If you want to beat Donald Trump, you’ve got to go with the only campaign that has demonstrated that they can beat Donald Trump,” Cruz told ABC News.
The Republicans will now head to Nevada for the Republican Nevada Caucus on Tuesday, while the Democrats will go to South Carolina for next Saturday’s South Carolina Primary.
Re: Hillary's Nevada win
I'm happy she won. It was a solid..but close win, which I'm also happy about because as long as she's in a real fight for her political life she'll be continually learning from her mistakes and working on being a better candidate and running a smarter campaign. I think she's finally beginning to figure things out. She had better…IF she wants to win.
Re: Trump's win in S.C.
S.C. ws supposed to be a state "tailor-made for Cruz" to give Trump a real primary challenge. Well THAT didn't happen! As DJ pointed out, Cruz ended up in a fierce battle with Rubio for 2nd place. And Trump "handlily" beat them all.
Needless to say, the GOPe is in a full-blown PANIC right now and they should be. For the longest I didn't think they would actually let it happen. But the truth is, the GOPe has absolutely NO choice in the matter (they have NO power or control over the situation). Trump is well on his way to winning the Repub nomination.
TAC reader: “Republicans are now on the precipice of nominating a candidate with virtually no institutional support from the party …running on blatant appeals to racism, bigotry, joyful celebrations of torture, and a complete contempt for the pieties of {Republican} conservatism.” […]
And just in case the GOPe still can't quite grasp the magnitude of what they're up against..a right-winger makes it very Clear how he, and others like him, view Trump.
MidSouth Sentinel:
“You “conservative” “pundits” still don’t get it: Trump ISN'T our candidate. He’s our murder weapon. And the GOP is our victim."
Re: "Jeb!" and his failed presidential campaign
(Sigh) as if the hand-writing wasn't already on the wall. Jeb's chances of winning the nomination was always slim-to-none.
So WHO, pray tell convinced "Jeb!" to run in the first place?! Let me guess. The same neoCON loons who convinced Dubya that it would be a great idea for him to run for president back in 2000….smh. And adding insult to injury, did Jeb! really NOT understand the pitiful optics of dragging his 90 y/o ailing mother out on the stomp with him? …to say nothing of bringing Dubya back on to the national stage!?!
Btw- apparently, the neCONS hedged their bet by latching on to Rubio also. But IMO, his chances are no better than Jeb's.
…just an additional thought……
Thus far, Trump appears to have a ceiling of 30-35% support among voters voting Republican. With Jeb now gone I doubt that will means anything in terms of Trump getting a sizeable portion of those vote…but you never know(?)
This I do know…..
Super Tuesday is going to be quite an interesting day….for both parties.
DJ said it last week. Repubs needed to pool up together to beat Trump. All eleven fifty people running did was split the vote. Now it's probably too late to stop him. He's going to be the nominee which should make Hillary president.
LOL!!!…."All eleven fifty people running did was split the vote."
BD, you know you crazy right?…Lol
…now…..all kidding aside…..
Even if Trump wins the nomination…(and right now that seems to be the most likely outcome)..Hillary must stay focused.
Am I confident she can win. Yes…of course.
But the biggest mistake she could make would be to assume that defeating Trump will be a cakewalk.
It ain't over till it's over. And she must fight like h*ll to win…..until it's over.
Breaking News: at about 3:30 PM this afternoon
Ted Cruz fired….Ooops I mean asked for the resignation of Rick Tyler, his Communications Director and Spokesman..
Apparently the "dirty tricks" spewing forth from the Cruz camp has reached a new low….even by Republican standards..and that's saying something! .