Current Events

Business Owner Right To Refuse Service?


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Does a business owner have the right to refuse service to someone based on a difference in beliefs, or is such a refusal morally wrong, discriminatory, and unconstitutional?

Current Events
In June, conservatives jumped for joy when a bakery refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple.  However, these same conservatives were up in arms over the weekend when a restaurant refused to serve a Donald Trump employee.  How is a business owner right to refuse service to a gay couple because it goes against their “religious” beliefs, but wrong to refuse service to a Trump employee because it goes against their “political” beliefs?

Business Owner

Last month, the Supreme Court ruled that the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Denver had the right to deny service to a gay couple — a ruling the Trump White House, conservatives, and evangelicals all trumpeted and celebrated as a moral victory.

“This cake is a specific cake, a wedding cake is an inherently religious event and the cake is definitely a specific message,” business owner Jack Phillips explained in his objection to making the wedding cake for the same-sex couple. “Cakes have a message and this is one I can’t create.”

However, this past weekend, Donald Trump and his followers threw a hissy fit when White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave the Red Hen Restaurant near Washington because of her affiliation with Trump and his political beliefs.

“I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation,” business owner Stephanie Wilkinson recalled in her confrontation with Sanders. “I said, ‘I’d like to ask you to leave.'”

Business Owner

Since then, “The Donald” and his “Trumpies” have taken to social media to trash the restaurant business owner for daring to dismiss a Donald Trump appointee.

“It’s sick. It’s desperately sick,” Sanders’ father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said while calling the business owner a bigot. “And, there’s all these people who are trying to say, ‘Oh, well, they deserve it.’ Nobody deserves to be treated like this,” he continued.

“The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” Trump tweeted on Monday.

Current Events
Although Trump is notorious for always wanting to have his cake and eat it too, his mixed message has sparked an interesting debate. How can Trump applaud a business owner for denying to serve a gay couple, but criticize a business owner for denying to serve a Trump employee?

More importantly, should businesses be allowed to refuse to serve anyone they don’t agree with or like, or is such a practice teetering toward a slippery slope of bigotry and discrimination?  If gays can be legally turned away, how far behind are Blacks and Hispanics?



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OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Should a business owner be able to deny service to anyone?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. How is a business owner right to refuse service to a gay couple because it goes against their “religious” beliefs, but wrong to refuse service to a Trump employee because it goes against their “political” beliefs? […] -DJ

    These incidents, IMO, are pretty much the same. But then we know that Trump and his supporters are nothing if not Notorious. Hypocrites.

    Trump is also quite cynical in all this because he really couldn’t give a fig about how Sanders, or anyone else for that matter is treated…Ever. But he seized on the opportunity, yet again, to play the role of a “Bull Connor”-ish like character because he knows it feeds his supporters the “red meat” they constantly crave, incites them further uncivil and hateful acts -and most of serves Trump, and only Trump, very well. That said.

  2. (continued)…..

    I have, from the beginning thought it, destructively arrogant, foolish and Unwise for ANY gay group to take a “refusal-to-bake-a-wedding-cake” case to the highest court in the land…even if that gay group is White.

    One of the true marks of good leadership is having a leader, or leaders, who have the intelligence AND forethought to pick their battles WISELY- and then having the strength of character and WISDOM to go about fighting those battles…Wisely.

    Given the current make-up of the U.S. Supreme Court -and what the LGBT community in general, risked if the case was lost (and it WAS lost) -WHY pray tell would you choose THAT particular case to fight for in the first place?!

    Made no sense to me then. Makes no sense to me now.

  3. And on a related note: “Trump’s Roach-Infested Restaurants Are Vile Compared to the Red Hen”

    President Donald Trump on Monday attacked a rural Virginia restaurant that refused to serve his press secretary over the weekend by criticizing its supposed lack of cleanliness. But perhaps those in glass restaurants shouldn’t throw stones. Compared to the Red Hen, some of Trump’s own restaurants seem like the bathroom of a dive bar the morning after a live show.

    The Lexington, Virginia restaurant, which caused a Trumpworld uproar when it refused to serve White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Friday, passed its most recent health inspection with flying colors. State authorities found no violations when they visited the restaurant in February and gave the Red Hen their best possible health-risk rating.

    By contrast, the conditions of restaurants at Trump’s hotels and resorts have ranged from moderately unsanitary to outright revolting. [….] Daily Beast

    H/T: MSNBC

  4. (sidenote) Left-wingers do themselves NO favors trying to push this crap and then getting slapped down.

    Oct. 2015: California’s Reproductive FACT Act was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown. It mandated all licensed healthcare facilities in CA, including pro-life centers, must post signage and inform clients about the state’s taxpayer-funded abortions and birth control through its Medi-Cal program. – Sources: LaTimes and NPR

    October 31, 2017: “Judge halts California law forcing pro-life centers to advertise abortions” – Life Site News

    TODAY, June 26, 2018:

    “Supreme Court Strikes Down CA Law Forcing Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers To Push Abortion”

    In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled in favor of faith-based crisis pregnancy centers by striking down a California law forcing them to present abortion — the exact thing they exist to try to prevent — as an option to expectant mothers seeking services. [….] – RedState, CNN, MSNBC

  5. (sidenote) TODAY: June 26, 2018

    “Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban, Delivering Endorsement of Presidential Power”

    WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld President Trump’s ban on travel from mostly-Muslim nations, delivering a robust endorsement of Mr. Trump’s power to control the flow of immigration into America at a time of political upheaval about the treatment of migrants at the Mexican border.

    In a 5-to-4 vote, the court’s conservatives said the president’s statutory power over immigration was not undermined by his history of incendiary statements about the dangers he said Muslims pose to Americans. [….] NYTimes

    H/T: MSNBC

    “Elections have consequences…” – President-elect Obama

  6. I have to admit I am a little confused about this. One part of me says no you can not discriminate and not serve somebody you don’t like. But then another part of me is glad about what happen to Sarah Sanders. Am I being a hypocrite for thinking like this? This is a good thought piece today DJ.

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