Comments on: Buttigieg And Biden Candidacies Hit A Snag News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 30 Jun 2019 22:42:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Tue, 25 Jun 2019 16:16:09 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Think about all the things Trump say on a daily basis. When Biden gets a whole staff around him they can keep him in check just like they do Trump. Plus if Pete runs with him he could take a lot of the load off him. Mayor Pete needs some black supporters to get him through this right now. Just like that mayor in South Carolina spoke up for him he needs more of that to take some heat. There is a long time before the election. Both got time to fix everything.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 25 Jun 2019 16:05:17 +0000 Good take on every thing DJ. I think both of them can survive this but they have some work to do. I could see them running together. Mayor Pete would make Biden younger plus he is smart to get Biden through the times he is stumbling. Biden is the guy so far who can beat Trump and that is what we have to focus on first.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 25 Jun 2019 15:22:20 +0000 Re: Buttigieg

NYTimes Reader:
Before reading this (NYTs) article, Buttigieg was my pick to be the Democratic candidate to go against Trump in 2020. Now, I’m going to look again at some of the other candidates. And that’s not a bad thing.

It’s still April. If we don’t thoroughly vet all the candidates, we could end up with an untested candidate to go against a very powerful incumbent. We have to choose the candidate that can beat Trump. Buttigieg may not have any problem with black voters. or he may have a big problem. It’s something that we need to find out sooner rather than later.

Trump is racist. We need a president who represents All Americans. I’m still hoping that Mayor Pete is the answer. But if he doesn’t understand the challenges faced by all Americans, then let’s find a candidate who does. And I hope The NY Times and all the media continues to poke around at all the Democratic candidates. If they can’t handle The Times, how will they do when Trump’s team goes after them? And how will they stand up for America against our enemies?

One article shouldn’t sink a candidacy. But we shouldn’t act like this is a coronation. Let’s do the due diligence and find the strongest candidate. Then, let’s make Trump a one term president. He’s got a few Grand Juries waiting to indict him when he’s a private citizen. […] April 23, 2019

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 25 Jun 2019 14:18:59 +0000 Re: Buttigieg

NYTimes Reader:
Well now it seems that choosing among Democratic candidates is going to be a matter of which mistakes they’ve made is the most egregious and most indicative of deeper problems. Both Harris’ and Klobuchar’s records as prosecutors are even more troubling, as is the way Booker let corporate donations affect his votes.

But back to Buttigieg. This isn’t his only problem. He also initiated an aggressive gentrification program that forced some African American families from their homes, and in his book he referred to Harvard students demonstrating on behalf of the janitorial staff to get them better wages as “social justice warriors.” I’m sensing a pattern of arrogance, a tendency to act before listening. The question is whether these incidents can be marked up to his youth and inexperience that he’s learned from or whether he’s going to try to sell this as an aspect of his “decisiveness” (much as Klobuchar is now trying to make a virtue of being an abusive boss.)

Because what we should be judging is not the candidates’ mistakes but their growth. You want a leader who has made mistakes (that they know are mistakes, that is, unlike our current president who will never admit one) because that’s how they will know how to act under pressure.

I like Mayor Pete and hope he responds to this article with humility and an acknowledgement that, like all of us, he’s on a learning curve that never ends. If not, perhaps we should admit that maybe age and experience do count for something. […]

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 25 Jun 2019 13:37:27 +0000 So about Pete Buttigieg……..

I’ll just cut to the chase on this one. I think it’s over for him. Even before the Townhall meeting reports had already begun to come out regarding South Bend’s police force being riddled with white racist cops and Buttigieg’s decision in 2012 to fire South Bend’s Black Police Chief, Darryl Boykin already had Buttigieg’s “leadership” being called into question. Chief Boykin had been promoted to chief 5 yrs earlier “after winning the respect of both black and white officers in a department that sometimes divided along racial lines.”

Full story: “Pete Buttigieg Fired South Bend’s Black Police Chief. It Still Stings.” – NYTimes, April 19, 2019

I honestly don’t see Buttigieg recovering from this very public FAIL and fall. Frankly, he may have his hands full just trying to hang onto his job as Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
