Trudeau Brownface/Blackface Tarnishes His Pristine Image
Oh, say it ain’t so. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been caught in black and brownface???
Current Events
Yes, last week after a previously unreleased photo was made public, the beloved Trudeau was forced to admit that in 2001, he wore brownface makeup to a costume party at the private school where he once taught.
The photograph was taken during an “Arabian Nights”-themed gala and showed the then 29-year-old Trudeau wearing a turban and robes with his face, neck, and hands completely darkened. According to Time Magazine, the pic is featured in the 2000-2001 yearbook of West Point Grey Academy, where Trudeau previously worked as a teacher.

However, if that wasn’t enough, Trudeau also admitted that he once wore blackface and an afro wig as a teen to sing “Day-O” (a Jamaican folk song made famous by African-American singer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte) during a high school talent show.
Speaking to reporters last week, a sheepish Trudeau was deeply apologetic.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” the prime minister, who is currently up for reelection said. “I should have known better and I didn’t. I’m really sorry.”
When asked if he thought the photograph was racist, he said, “Yes it was. I didn’t consider it racist at the time, but now we know better.”

Interestingly, Trudeau is not the first to find himself in hot water after being caught in brownface/blackface and, sadly, won’t be the last.
- In Virginia, Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to appearing in blackface at a 1980 party from his years at the University of Virginia.
- Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam also admitted that he dressed up in blackface to mimic Michael Jackson during a 1980s dance contest.
- Former Louisiana House of Representatives candidate Robbie Gattie once painted his face black and dressed like Tiger Woods for a church event.
- South Carolina county council candidate Brant Tomlinson dressed like a Jamaican bobsledder for a Halloween party.
- Former Florida Secretary of State Mike Ertel thought it was acceptable to appear as an African-American Hurricane Katrina victim during a Halloween party.
- Illinois State Senate candidate Hal Patton once wore blackface to appear as a black football player.
- New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind appeared in blackface to look more like a “black basketball player” for a Jewish holiday.
- The police department in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, apologized after a yearbook photo showed 2 police officers dressed in blackface as part of an undercover operation.
For all of his humanitarian work in Canada, should Justin Trudeau get a pass for 2 youthful mistakes a long time ago? Or, should his feet be held to the fire and he be forced to pay a political price for his past transgressions?
Finally, how is it possible that in this day and age, the white citizens of the world have STILL not read the memo that blackface in ANY form is NOT okay?
For all of his humanitarian work in Canada, should Justin Trudeau get a pass for 2 youthful mistakes a long time ago? Or, should his feet be held to the fire and he be forced to pay a political price for his past transgressions? […] -DJ
Wow. This is a hard call for me because this man WAS someone who APPEARED to be genuine in his humanitarian efforts and in bringing people together. Yes, he was younger when he committed the patently racist act but we’re not talking about the 40 or 50 years ago. He did it well past the time when whites wearing “Black-face” was considered harmless entertainment. And he did it 3 times, no less.
I don’t think he’ll be forced to step down but Canadians will make that call. He has done quite a bit of good in the years since he committed those acts. And politically and personally, he is paying a price because in the eyes of many people, he’ll never be looked at quite the same again.
I have to agree with Truth this is a tough call on this one. But one thing stands out. Blackface is real painful in America since that is where it all started. I do not know if it is seen as a real big sin in a place like Canada. Anyway the people up there will decide but if anybody asked me if he is racist I don’t think he is. I think I give him pass.
And let me just say this because really……some of this madness Never stops.
What is it with far too many White people that they STILL CAN’T let the racists bullsh*t go?! They still cannot stop themselves from trying to reduce People of Color to some stereotypical cartoonish characters. Or worse, trying to dehumanize Us altogether….especially when it comes to Blacks and brown people.
So what is it that really drives such people to think and behave as they do?
Jealousy? Envy? Insecurity?
Off topic for just a moment…..we may have reached that tipping point:
Breaking: “Pelosi to Announce ‘Formal Impeachment Inquiry’ of Trump: Report”
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is expected to announce a “formal impeachment inquiry” into President Donald Trump “this afternoon,” according to NBC and MSNBC news analyst Howard Fineman.
Fineman cites a very “solid” House leadership source, and adds that the Speaker will also “imply that she herself favors impeachment. […] –
H/T: MSN, The Washington Post
You beat me to it Truthiz1
Hey we’re a tag team Wil….Lol
“Schiff says Whistleblower wants to speak to House Intel panel”
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that the whistleblower, who first reportedly raised alarm about President Trump’s conversations with the Ukraine’s leader, wants to speak to the panel, and that they are expecting the whistleblower’s testimony “as soon as this week.”
“We have been informed by the whistleblower’s counsel that their client would like to speak to our committee and has requested guidance from the Acting DNI as to how to do so,” Schiff tweeted. “We‘re in touch with counsel and look forward to the whistleblower’s testimony as soon as this week.” – The Hill
“Speaker Pelosi to address the nation sometime this evening” – MSNBC