Comments on: CAIN’S ELECTRIC FENCE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: BD Tue, 18 Oct 2011 15:54:24 +0000 Well there it is the truth is out. I know he said it trying to be funny but a part of him meant it too. His problem is he's to new to the game to realize he can't say whatever like that and be a legit candidate. If he was talking about blacks or jews this would have been a bigger story. I'm not sure Herman really wants to be the president tho. I think he's doing all this for attention and his book.

By: Truthiz Tue, 18 Oct 2011 13:05:24 +0000 Update: "Cain acknowledges his electric border fence idea ISN'T a joke afterall"  CBS News: Initially, Cain apologized when told his remarks had upset some in the state. "Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa," he said, using the Latin formula for expressing contrition. But when a reporter challenged his description of his comments, saying he didn't seem to be telling a joke, the retired pizza executive acknowledged: "You're right." He said he still believes in the need for a border fence "and it might be electrified. [….]Full story:…There you have it. Like they guy or not. Agree with his comments or not.As long as right-wingers like what he's saying he's going to keep right on throwing them "red-meat," which means saying some pretty extreme stuff. It's THEIR votes he's after.

By: Truthiz Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:26:53 +0000 The news media and a few political "establishment" folk in BOTH parties have really jumped on this story.CNN and MSNBC are, IMO, trying to play it up as a kind of "Outrage of the Week" story. And certainly I recognize that Cain's words were, at best, NOT acceptable under any circumstances: "It was just a joke."  BUT (and here's where I repeat what I wrote the other day) Cain is speaking to a Specific audience when he throws out "red-meat" rhetoric. He's talking to Rabid right-wingers, to be exact, otherwise known as the GOP "base." And judging from the approving response he got from HIS audience when he made those Offensive comments the other day, THOSE voters don't appear to mind him talking that way one bit!  And THAT'S the key point the MEDIA, pundit-idiots and *establishment* people keep missing, time-and-time-again, as they try to smack this guy down. Roughly 70-75% of Repub voters are clamoring for anybody_and I do mean ANYBODY_but Mitt as their Presidential nominee. With Perry continuing to falter, and Cain demonstrating that he CAN hold his own in terms of articulating HIS message while also running a campaign on a shoe-string budget, the GOP "base" is saying "CAIN'S OUR GUY." Sure. He may be their "flavor of the month"??? Time will tell.But right now: Every time the media "attacks" him it Angers right-wings all the more, NO MATTER THE ISSUE (see Cain's 999 tax gimmick…err..plan) and hs support among right-wingers INCREASES.  IF he continues to do well in the so-called "debates" (CNN  is hosting one tonight) _and IF Perry continues to "disappoint", I expect Cain to give Mitt (and the GOP establishment) a run for their money. 
