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‘Caitlyn Jenner’ To Receive Bravery Award

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Bruce Caitlyn Jenner ESPN

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‘Caitlyn Jenner’ To Receive Bravery Award

Although it probably took a certain amount of courage for Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner to publicly announce to the world that he is now a woman, is that announcement truly worthy of a prestigious award for bravery?

Current Events
ESPN has announced that it will award Caitlyn Jenner with the Arthur Ashe Courage Award later this summer. Seriously?? Does Jenner’s proclamation that he has forever felt like a female rise to the appropriate level of an Ashe Award recipient???

Caitlyn JennerNo knock against Jenner and her gender choices, however since thousands of men and women make the same gender-switch decision every year, how does Jenner stand out as “courageous” among everyone else making the same discovery??

So, exactly what are the requirements for an Ashe Award recipient?  According to ESPN:

The Ashe Award is one of the most prestigious in sports. Recipients reflect the spirit of Arthur Ashe, possessing strength in the face of adversity, courage in the face of peril and the willingness to stand up for their beliefs no matter what the cost. The award is inspired by the life that Ashe lived, using his fame and stature to advocate for human rights, although, at the time, those positions may have been unpopular and were often controversial. From speaking out against apartheid in South Africa to revealing to the world his struggle with AIDS, Ashe never backed away from a difficult issue, even though doing so would have been easier. Winners of the Ashe Award strive to carry on Ashe’s legacy in their own lives – – inspired by those who do so each day.

When considering someone with real courage, there are perhaps the countless fireman who ran into the World Trade Center to save lives, while risking their own on 9/11.  Or perhaps Georgia Police Sgt. Joe Hudson who saved a young boy from dying in a raging fire.  Or maybe even Army Sgt. 1st Class Lynnette Hobson-Shearwood who saved the life of a drowning child.  THOSE are acts of legitimate courage.  But Bruce Jenner announcing that he is now a woman? Hmmm… not so much!

Bob Costas Caitlyn Jenner ESPN
Bob Costas

Current Events
NBC Sports star Bob Costas took issue with ESPN earlier this week, blasting their selection of Jenner for the Arthur Ashe Award as a “crass exploitation play.”

In an appearance on “The Dan Patrick Show,” Costas said:

“In the broad world of sports, I’m pretty sure they could’ve found someone — and this is not anything against Caitlyn Jenner — who was much closer actively involved in sports, who would’ve been deserving of what that award represents.

“That’s not to say it doesn’t take some measure of personal courage to do what Caitlyn Jenner has done.

“I think every year we look across the landscape of sports and we find prominent people and kids in high school and amateur athletes who I think more closely fit the description of what they’re looking for — or should be looking for there.

“I think this is just a play to pump up audience, the way lots of things are put on television to attract eyeballs — not because of the validity but because of whatever the kind of gawker factor is.”

Caitlyn Jenner’s acceptance speech at the Los Angeles awards ceremony on July 15th will be her first public appearance since transitioning to female.  According to Jenner, the ceremony will offer her the chance to “stand as my true self in front of my peers.”

Jenner will appear on stage with all 10 of her children and stepchildren, including the Kardashian sisters.  She will also be joined by recent award recipients Michael Sam, who is the first openly gay NFL player, as well as sportscaster Robin Roberts, who survived breast cancer and the blood disease myelodysplastic syndrome.

Is Caitlyn Jenner truly the best and most deserving choice for the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, or is this all just an exploitative media gimmick?

OK WASSUP! covers current events,
including ESPN’s choice of Caitlyn Jenner
for the Arthur Ashe Courage Award?



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I don't have anything against Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn. That's his business. But giving him a courage award named after the great Arthur Ashe is a joke. Him choosing to dress up as a woman but keep his penis so he can still date women isn't brave. Like DJ said there's cross dressers doing this every single day of the week. That doesn't make them brave. I just think ESPN is looking for ratings and jumped on this to get viewers. Maybe they should have gave the award to the late Stuart Scott who battled cancer for years on air and never complained. That's a way better choice than Bruce going by Caitlyn now. smdh

    1. @BD- Hear! Hear!

      And let me tell you – there are a lot of people who are equally, if not more, Outraged by the choice of Jenner.

      As you correctly pointed out, ESPN could have chosen an actual worthy person – like Scott Stuart OR even Lauren Hill, the 19 y/o young athlete who recently died from brain cancer.

      "Diagnosed with brain cancer in high school, the stellar athlete was an inspirational figure who raised over $1 million for cancer research and touched innumerable lives when she reached her goal of playing in an official college basketball game. "

      ESPN execs ought to be ashamed of themselves.

      DJ asked: "is (Jenner's) announcement truly worthy of a prestigious award for bravery?"

      We all know the answer is ….NO.

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