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Fearing a severe Hispanic backlash at the ballot box and recognizing the loudest Sotomayor critics (Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney) are NOT running for office, some elected Republicans are now attempting to pull back the rhetoric against the Judge with the long shot hopes of somehow calming the storm.  It’s a political tight rope for some in the GOP to have to walk such a thin line — trying to appease the core ultra-conservative base while trying not to further alienate or offend the very important Hispanic vote.  But it’s almost certainly a temporary calm, as the GOP seems hell-bent to hang themselves over this issue.  WATCH Sen. Lindsay Graham:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. DJ:“But it's almost certainly a temporary calm, as the GOP seems hell-bent to hang themselves over this issue.”I don’t know DJ…seems to me that the GOP is “hell-bent on hanging themselves” over almost ANY issue! You name it_and except for agreeing with the President on increased military funding to fight Wars in the Middle East,_the “real” leaders of the GOP (Limbaugh et al) want Sen. Graham and company to fight the President on d*mn near everything else. Radical right-wing groups are firing up the Republican “base”. They want Judge Sotomayor’s Supreme Court nomination filibustered and derailed by ANY means necessary.Think Progress: “White Supremacist Group Posts Doctored Photo Of Sotomayor With KKK Hood [the Council of Conservative Citizens — a group the Southern Poverty Law Center calls a “brazenly racist group” — has put up a doctored photo of Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor. In the picture, Sotomayor is wearing a KKK-type hood. On her robe is a raised fist and the words “La Raza”. ] See Picture: <a href="… />I don’t see a “temporary calm.” I see continued HATE and, certainly, CRAZY. Simply put: There is NO rhyme OR reason OR intelligence OR sanity to the collective thinking of the Republican hierarchy, the “base” and “HATE” machine. There never has been.There never will be.

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