Comments on: CALMING THE STORM News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 02 Jun 2009 19:45:18 +0000 DJ:“But it's almost certainly a temporary calm, as the GOP seems hell-bent to hang themselves over this issue.”I don’t know DJ…seems to me that the GOP is “hell-bent on hanging themselves” over almost ANY issue! You name it_and except for agreeing with the President on increased military funding to fight Wars in the Middle East,_the “real” leaders of the GOP (Limbaugh et al) want Sen. Graham and company to fight the President on d*mn near everything else. Radical right-wing groups are firing up the Republican “base”. They want Judge Sotomayor’s Supreme Court nomination filibustered and derailed by ANY means necessary.Think Progress: “White Supremacist Group Posts Doctored Photo Of Sotomayor With KKK Hood [the Council of Conservative Citizens — a group the Southern Poverty Law Center calls a “brazenly racist group” — has put up a doctored photo of Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor. In the picture, Sotomayor is wearing a KKK-type hood. On her robe is a raised fist and the words “La Raza”. ] See Picture: <a href="… />I don’t see a “temporary calm.” I see continued HATE and, certainly, CRAZY. Simply put: There is NO rhyme OR reason OR intelligence OR sanity to the collective thinking of the Republican hierarchy, the “base” and “HATE” machine. There never has been.There never will be.
