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Yesterday, we discussed the death of the Republican Party. Today, we will discuss the long and tedious path Republicans would need to take in order to revive their party.

Make no mistake, the Republican Party is dead! Their ability to win on the national level has disintegrated and could conceivably be lost for a generation.  Sure, they will still be able to string together local wins for national congressional candidates, but they may never see the White House again for years to come.

Can the GOP be saved?  Absolutely.  Will it be saved?  Unlikely to happen, so long as the old guard is in control.  However, if the party can wake up, accept that Ronald Reagan is dead and not coming back, step into the 21st Century and recognize that today’s America is much more different and diverse than ever before, it may have a fighting chance.

So what must the GOP do to get back to relevancy? Here are 4 emergency recommendations:

BECOME INCLUSIVE – Old, white, heterosexual, Christian, conservative men won’t cut it anymore.  Nor will hard line conservative platforms.  America is much more socially liberal today than it was 10 years ago, so trying to force conservatism down the throats of an uninterested electorate is futile.  Democrats successfully put together a diverse coalition of Americans based on inclusion:  African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Women, Gays and Lesbians and others. However, the Republican coalition was based on EXclusion and they ignored groups that didn’t match their narrow and outdated point of view.  Preaching morality and disengaging anyone who doesn’t fall in line will lose every time.

GAIN SUBSTANCE – Mitt Romney spent his entire campaign telling voters why they shouldn’t vote for President Obama, but spent little, if any time telling voters why they should vote for him.  Sadly, Romney was perhaps the best available candidate out of the motley crue of misfits the Republicans ran in the primary.  Propping up candidates without substance is a recipe for disaster.  Republicans must provide voters with something to root for, not someone to root against.

PURGE THE PARTY – The GOP needs to purge itself of all the religious zealots, clowns and old, rich white men who think it’s 1912 instead of 2012.  No more Trump, Limbaugh, Beck or Bachmann.  No more witches, “pray away the gay” curers or “legitimate rape” sympathizers. Let them go start a 3rd party with all the lunatics who’ve been blowing hot air about seceding from the U.S. simply because President Obama won fair and square.  The GOP also needs to disengage itself from Fox News, which seems to be a magnet for all the hate mongers, racists and crazies of the country.  Unless the GOP remakes itself from the ground up, it will never be a competitive national party again.

MIND YOUR BUSINESS – Republicans claim to want less government infringing on our lives, yet they consistently do exactly the opposite.  Getting involved in a woman’s very personal choice regarding her own pregnancy, or telling people who they can or can not love and marry are just 2 examples of GOP hypocrisy.  If Republicans wish to be relevant again, they can’t keep pushing their own personal beliefs on the rest of the country.  Take care of the economy, make sure Americans have jobs, control the deficit, keep the military strong and America safe, then stay out of our bedrooms and our business!



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Good suggestions DJ but I don't think it matters. They're stuck in a time warp and won't change. They also in denial and don't realize they're the problem. They have to lose a few more times before it all sinks in.

  2. Cosign with BD.

    Your suggestions are definitely on point DJ but alas I really do think it's a lost cause…at least for the foreseeable future anyway.

    The GOP is effectively a "leaderless" party…what Frum calls "a party of followership." Absent a REAL leader (someone who is smart, Civil, competent, qualified, confident AND politically savvy) they can hang it up.

    And I don't see that person anywhere on the horizon within the GOP.

    Oh!..and word to the Repubs: Rubio (tokenism) can NOT save you.

  3. …a Quote for the Day…

    "We lost many demographic groups. The issue to me is why. I don’t think we are one comprehensive immigration bill away from winning Hispanic voters, any more than we are one marginal rate increase from economic nirvana," – Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina.

    H/T: The Dish


    The fact that members of the Repub so-called "leadership" are befuddled as to "WHY?" they lost is, IMO, further proof as to just how DEAD that party is…smh.

  4. …and MORE proof….

    "The GOP's White Voter Problem"

    Here's a point that can't be stressed enough: outside Appalachia and the South, Romney did NOT do very well with white voters either. Nate Cohn in The New Republic:

    He ran behind Bush’s tallies in most of the northern half of the United States. While some believed that Obama’s weakness among white voters would translate into opportunities for Romney in overwhelmingly white states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin, Obama ultimately won these three states by 5.6 to 6.9 points, even though Bush never lost any by more than 1.3 points. [….]


    So the GOPs most loyal voting bloc is darn near reduced to Appalachia and the South?! Wow.

  5. In response to "The GOPs White Voter Problem"…

    A Daily Beast Reader writes:

    The rest of us white men in the north have been saying this for four years; Obama doesn't have a problem with 'white men' – he has a problem with rednecks and hillbillies.

    The moment the mainstream media and the GOP leadership starts being honest there is the moment we can start focusing on the REAL problem of a certain group of American men who refuse to accept a northern man of color being in charge of the White House. The problem is THEIRS, not the President's. From now on, when national polls for Obama's approval ratings are published, it would be most helpful to show a national number, then a number that excludes the old Confederacy.

    People might be surprised to find out that his real approval ratings are in the mid to high 50s, once you take out the redneck/hillbilly portion of the electorate. [….]


  6. It's funny and sad all at the same time seeing Repubs squirming about what went wrong. They're lost and don't know where to turn next. What I know is they can't keep pushing the same BS but just package it differently. Their problems are bigger than one or two issues. I like the one Repub comment about rednecks and hillbilies though. Thats a huge problem but it goes deeper than that. I think Hispanics are in Obamas back pocket now and he's gonna do whatever it takes to keep them. Watch him do something about immigration that's gonna make them love him even more. Sucks to be them but Repubs are yesterdays news and has beens.

  7. Good grief! The Repubs really are just "Stupid for NO reason."

    Matt Lewis (rightwinger): "Why Rubio is a frontrunner"


    A few responses up I cautioned Repubs that "Rubio (tokensim) can NOT save you."

    Apparently, the Repubs are too STUPID and too cynical to educate themselves about the cultural differences between Cuban-Americans (i.e. Rubio) and Puerto-Ricans / and Mexcan Americans. Repubs erroneously view those groups as ONE big Latino group primarily interested only in ONE issue…illegal immigration. Adding insult to injury, Repub hacks (like Lewis et al ) push this BS about Rubio in 2016, thinking Hispanics are easily *played.*

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