Comments on: CAN ROMNEY BE BEAT? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 09 Jan 2012 14:14:00 +0000 <span>Can Romney be beat? Short answer: No.</span><span></span><span>I skipped the debates over the weekend but I've read quite a few reviews. </span><span>By nearly all accounts I missed nothing. </span><span></span> <span>Apparently the job Mitt's SuperPac did on Newt in Iowa was enough to politically kill Newt off.</span><span></span> <span>For all of Newt's yammering implying he was now going to take the gloves off and go nuclear on Mitt? </span><span>Thus far it's been mostly hype. And </span><span>I don't think the other candidates really matter. </span><span></span><span>The entire GOP field is the worse, and weakest, I'ver ever seen.    </span><span></span> <span>Romney's a shameless opportunist. There ain't much more to be said about the man. He sways any which </span><span>way the winds blows in pursuit of the nomination. </span><span>But Romney IS a professional and he's up against rank amateurs, including Hunstman. The GOP base continues to be </span><span>fractured which means a pluarlity vote win for Romney.  </span><span>In the meantime: The media can spare me the manufactured drama and polls I NEVER trust. I'm only interested in the final results, </span><span>beginning with how many people actually show up to vote in the GOP primaries. </span><span>Given that N.H. is supposed to be tailored-made for Mitt to secure a big win tomorrow, I expect him to win </span><span>N.H. with at least 35% of the votes AND by double-digits (10-12%) over the 2nd-place winner. His failure to do so will, IMO, further confirm his </span><span>weakness (among voters) as a candidate.  </span> 
