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Could the Republican presidential primary effectively end tonight?  Could this political nightmare and poor excuse of a primary finally be coming to an end?

Today, voters in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia will head to the polls to select their choice for the GOP nomination.  Mitt Romney has an insurmountable lead in the polls in Maryland and D.C. and is also well ahead in Wisconsin.  Newt Gingrich is completely out of campaign cash, has fired a chunk of his staff, has no more debates to provide him with relevance and is hanging by a thread.  A secret meeting with Romney last week to possibly strike a deal proves Newt’s days are clearly numbered.  Rick Santorum has put his foot in his mouth so many times over the past few weeks, Republicans have stopped taking him seriously and are thinking he may not be ready for prime time. And Ron Paul — well, he’s just Ron Paul.

The Republican establishment, including Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and former President George H.W. Bush have begun to give a lukewarm endorsement to Romney, calling him the “inevitable nominee” (Hmmm… some endorsement).  Apparently they’ve all grown tired of this train wreck of a primary and want it over and done.  This all comes on the heels of a new Gallup Poll that says if the election were held today, President Obama would beat Mitt Romney handily by 9% points and Rick Santorum by 7% points.  The president is also 18% points ahead of Romney among women and nearly 10% ahead among Latinos.  OUCH!

Can Mitt Romney sew this thing up tonight and put his political counterparts — and the rest of us watching — out of our misery?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Once again, DJ, you've summed up the GOP circus beautifully!A pitiful state of affairs if ever there was one …smh.But here's what has me smiling!  With Romney being the GOP's presidential nominee, it means:_the GOP ceases to be the so-called "Conservative" party._the "political power" of tea-partiers and talibangelicals is exposed as pure BS._President Obama has a great chance of being re-elected…….and, IMO, it ALL means the GOP primaries have been a smashing success.. 😉 !

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