
Candidate Trump Setting The Stage For A Rematch?

- His ego is telling him 'Run Donald, Run!'

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Move over Donald Trump.  CANDIDATE Trump is fixing for a fight and already prepping for a rematch against President Joe Biden in 2024.

After being trounced at the polls nearly a year ago and having all but given up on the delusional dream that the results of the 2020 presidential election would somehow be overturned and he would be magically reinstated into the Oval Office, Donald Trump is moving to the “acceptance” stage of grief while his ego is urging Candidate Trump to “Run Donald, Run!”

Interestingly, many Republican voters relish the idea of a Biden-Trump rematch.

Candidate Trump

According to a new CNN poll, 51% of Republicans believe they can retake the White House if Donald Trump is their 2024 nominee.  Additionally, a majority of Republicans say believing Trump actually won the 2020 presidential election (he didn’t) is almost a requirement for being a faithful member of the party.

To date, Donald Trump has established an active political action committee operating out of Trump Tower in New York City. He has a grassroots team on the ground in Iowa. He’s giving more and more national media interviews. He’s issued a flood of new press statements. Plus, he has a war chest of roughly $84 million donated to him by MAGA flunkies who were convinced the money would be used to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Trump’s favor.

Several of his closest advisors say Trump is about 99.9% sure that he will be Candidate Trump for the presidency in 2024.  Or, in TrumpWorld, that’s as good as a guarantee that he will run in the next election, will force his way into seizing the nomination, and will go head-to-head against President Biden in a rematch for the title of leader of the free world.

The signs of his candidacy are already so visible, even a blind man can see he’s running.

At Saturday’s 20th anniversary commemoration of 9/11 in New York City, Donald Trump was visibly absent from the ex-president’s club of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama.  Instead, Candidate Trump opted to make a statement after the other presidents had already left and used the solemn occasion as a campaign appearance to bash President Biden while carving out a place for himself as the clear alternative.

Candidate Trump
The current and former presidents and their wives commemorate 9/11 (minus Trump)

“The leader of our country was made to look like a fool, and that can never be allowed to happen,” Trump said of Mr. Biden’s handling of the collapse of Afghanistan.  “It was caused by bad planning, incredible weakness, and leaders who truly didn’t understand what was happening. This is the 20th year of this war and should have been a year of victory and honor and strength. Instead, Joe Biden and his inept administration surrendered in defeat. We will live on, but sadly, our country will be wounded for a long period of time, we will struggle to recover from the embarrassment this incompetence has caused. Do not fear, however, America will be made great again,” he added.

America will be made great again??  And all of this needed to be said on 9/11???


As if that wasn’t enough, Candidate Trump spent the remainder of 9/11 serving as a guest commentator for an exhibition boxing match.  This was after he praised Confederate general (and traitor to the United States) Robert E. Lee and derided the decision to remove the general’s statue in Richmond, Virginia.

“If you sense that Trump is raising a middle finger at mainstream America, I’d say you should go with that feeling. This is a man who gained office with childish insults and unseemly boasts like, ‘I alone can fix it.’ As president, he was disgraced by two separate impeachments and trials in which he was acquitted only because of his party’s control of the Senate. His record of false and misleading statements exceeded 30,000, and yet he collected 75 million votes in his failed attempt at winning a second term.” – Michael D’Antonio, author

Donald Trump came into power by promoting coded racism, misogyny, and white nationalism — while serving as a figurehead for a society of American misfits who are convinced the US of A is slipping away from them. Expect Candidate Trump to pick up right where ‘The Donald’ left off and his ego to leave him with no other alternative but to run if only to save face.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Candidate Trump is prepping for a 2024 run.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. CNN:

    Republicans overwhelmingly back former President Donald Trump as the leader of their party but are split about whether he should be their standard-bearer in 2024, a new poll released Sunday shows.

    Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say – by 63 percent to 37 percent – that Trump should continue to be the leader of the Republican Party, a CNN survey found. 

    When asked whether Trump should top the ticket in 2024, 51 percent said his presence would help Republicans reclaim the White House, but 48 percent said they believe the party would fare better with another nominee.

  2. Regular readers know I’m not into polls but regarding this particular CNN poll, I will say this……

    If….IF the polls are close to being accurate then that would indicate that support for him (among Repubs) to run for president again has decreased by, perhaps, at least one-third (?)

    Is he actually going to run? I doubt it. But he will most certainly openly toy with it for all it’s worth because it gives him, first-and-foremost, what he craves most……

    Media. Attention.

    1. Hey Truth the thing I want to know about the poll is this. If the choices are Trump or Biden will Republicans support Trump or not? Or will they flip to Biden.

      1. I’m not sure Biden planned on running for a 2nd term. And I doubt Trump will actually run again.

        But you ask a good question BD. And my answer is this…..

        I believe if Trump actually runs AGAIN and wins the Republican party’s nomination for President AGAIN the majority of Repubs who show up to vote in the general election will vote for Trump…AGAIN.

        Though I doubt that number will be as large as it was before.

  3. Everybody already knows he is going to run again. But when he loses again I am going to laugh my head off.

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