Comments on: Carly Fiorina For Vice-President? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Fri, 29 Apr 2016 11:58:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 28 Apr 2016 16:39:17 +0000 In reply to Mr. BD.

Now see BD, didn't I say I was refraining from laughing?….lol

You my dear friend are NOT making this easy for me!

By: Mr. BD Thu, 28 Apr 2016 16:29:37 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

LOL oh boy you can't make this stuff up. How do you pick a running mate when you don't even have the nomination? If anybody can do it I should pick mine to. This is a circus!

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 28 Apr 2016 16:01:33 +0000 Please forgive me DJ – if I may go off topic for just a moment and mention Trump's supposed "Foreign Policy" speech that he delivered yesterday afternoon.

Good. Lord. To say the least it was a mishmash of incoherent, contradictory, and all over the map "goobbledygook."

As one writer put it:

It did not exhibit much grasp of the complexity of the world, understanding of the balance or exercise of power, or even a careful reading of history. […]

…and as a NYTimes reader put it:

Trumps foreign policy speech was bizarre, little more than a montage of sound bites from stump speeches and phone interviews he's given over the last year. To the extent that there was anything new, anything specific, it did not come from the mind of Trump. He couldn't even bother to learn the correct pronunciation of Tanzania. Each policy goal Trump proffered was followed by another that contradicted it. He confirmed to all but his supporters that he is unqualified to be President. He is a national embarrassment and his election would be dangerous to our country. I am a conservative independent with a long list of reasons to find Hillary Clinton objectionable but I will have no trouble offering her my support and vote should Trump be the nominee. [….]

Okay. I'm done.

Thanks DJ.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 28 Apr 2016 14:29:14 +0000 There are times when I could just fall on the floor laughing my behind off at Repub nonsense….but I refrain from doing so because I know exactly what's at stake in this year's election. God forbid that one of those dangerous yahoos actually gets elected to the Presidency….smh. But I digress.

In 2008, John McCain threw caution to the wind and, in desperation, chose Sarah Palin as his VP (a woman totally Incapable of speaking in complete and coherent sentences, let alone qualified to be one heart-beat away for the most powerful position in the World) I knew then that the GOP has entered the stage of Dying.

Fast-forward to the present:

Exactly 8 yrs after McCain pulled his disqualifying *Hail Vagina* stunt, Cruz decides (out of desperation) to pull a *Hail Vagina* stunt of his own hoping to give his failing campaign a boost and help him win the Indiana primary on May 3rd (btw a MUST win for Ted).

However, aside from Carly's ability to speak in complete sentences and her willingness to be an "attack dog" for Cruz, she brings absolutely nothing else to the table. Not even California (SEE her double-digit loss to Sen. Barbara Boxer in 2010).

Moreover, whether Cruz wins Indiana or not, the notion that he considers Carly Fiorina ("a thinking Repub's Palin") fit to be one heart-beat away from the Presidency, IMO, absolutely confirms his own Unfitness for that job.

Smh. And this guy is supposed to be the "smart one" of the bunch!?!
