Current Events
Former President Jimmy Carter has displayed the courage to say what many have been quietly thinking, but were afraid to openly discuss — that racial politics played a key role in Congressman Joe Wilson’s disrespectful “YOU LIE” outburst during President Obama’s speech to Congress last week, as well as in much of the opposition the president has faced since taking office.
In an interview with NBC News, the former president laid all cards on the table, saying his southern roots have taught him to recognize racism when he sees it, and that it is certainly alive and kicking when it comes to the President. Mr. Carter pointed out chants from the opposition that President Obama is a Muslim, not an American, and should be “traded back to Kenya” as a slave. Also, that President Obama should have been buried with (Ted) Kennedy the day he died. Mr. Carter went on to say:
“I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African-American. I live in the South, and I’ve seen the South come a long way, and I’ve seen the rest of the country that shares the South’s attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African-Americans. That racism inclination still exists, and I think it’s bubbled up to the surface because of belief among many white people — not just in the South but around the country — that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It’s an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply.”
Tea Baggers create image depicting
President Obama as a Witch Doctor
with Muslim symbol
I watched a segment on CNN last night with a Republican panel trying to claim racism isn't part of the health care protests. Maybe it isn't. But there are racists against Obama who will hide behind health care or anything else to make their point. It's disgusting to see our President dressed up like some native witch doctor, or hearing Obama's not really American but a Muslim. Jimmy Carter was right…..even if the White House can't publicly admit it. But I knew this day was coming. The first black president is a pioneer and can't avoid the resistance of racism and I think Obama is handling it with great patience.
“WASHINGTON — The White House says President Barack Obama doesn't believe he's being criticized because of his race.Spokesman Robert Gibbs said Wednesday that Obama – the nation's first black president – doesn't think that criticism of his policies is "based on the color of his skin."Source: Most reasonably intelligent and rational thinking Americans know what’s going on here.Carter is speaking the Truth and I commend him for it. The neo-Confederates and their KKKlannish brethren are doing their damnedest to derail Pres. Obama’s presidency because he’s Black. “Policy differences”…??? Yeah right. Spare Me. Obama knows what time it is. No doubt he appreciates Carters genuine concern regarding the despicable behavior of the white-supremacist oppositional factions so evident since the majority of Americans elected Our first African-American President. However, in keeping with Obama’s belief that no matter what they throw at him he must NEVER allow “race” or “racism” to become THE defining issue of his presidency, he had to publicly reject the notion. Simply put, Obama will not allow his Presidency to be side-tracked, distracted and bogged down in the diseased muck of “racism.”
Why do blacks always play the race card whenever somebody disagrees with them? It's about POLICY DIFFERENCE you idiots. Get a clue!!!!!!