Comments on: CASEY ANTHONY JURORS SPEAK OUT News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cotumarre Tue, 09 Aug 2011 23:33:20 +0000 It's sad to know that these jurors could not see what was right in front of them, the fact that it only took them 10 hours to deliberate, shows their lack of commitment and lack of interest in doing what they were suposed to do. It's not possible for these people to have discussed a case that lasted well over 3 years, and all the evidence that was given to them in such a small amount of time. Also it's been said that they didn't even request any material from the judge like pictures, or any other type of evidence for them to review or discuss. Listening to this woman speak was the same as listening to Jose Baez's opening statement. She said the same thing he said which tells me that that's all they heard in the trial.

By: Truthiz Mon, 11 Jul 2011 16:18:52 +0000 <span>Apparently Casey's not the only target of some mighty angry feelings. </span><span></span> <span>Juror #12 has "quit" her job, retired early and is now in hiding in another state. </span>"The Miserable Postscript For A Casey Anthony Juror"

By: BD Mon, 11 Jul 2011 12:15:48 +0000 I don't know DJ. I think the public is real against her right about now. She might make some fast money off a tv interview. But nobody is gonna support her any other way. Plus your right that her safety is in danger. Still smh on that verdict though.
