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TGIF: The Cicret Bracelet
December 19, 2014
Carrying a cell phone is so last year… that is, if the upcoming Cicret Bracelet has anything to say about it.
Latest Technology In Computers
The Cicret Bracelet is unlike standard wearables, since it will project your mobile device screen directly onto your arm without you ever having to pull out your device. With one shake of the wrist, Cicret will allow you to send a text, read an email, or pull up any of your apps, all by touching a projected image on your forearm.
The Cicret Bracelet is not available yet, but indications from the company are that it’s to be expected soon. Keep it in mind for a 2015 (or beyond) Christmas gift.
OK WASSUP! tracks the latest technology in computers,
including the upcoming Cicret Bracelet that will project your
mobile device directly onto your forearm for touch control.