IN CASE YOU HAVEN’T HEARD… After a year of trying to prop up and defend the selection of Sarah Palin as an excellent choice to be the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee in 2008, former McCain Campaign Manager Steve Schmidt recently had an epiphany. When asked if Madam Palin should be the Republican nominee for President in 2012, Schmidt did not mince his words, saying her selection would be “catastrophic” for the survival of the GOP. Schmidt went on to add:
“I think that she has talent, but my honest view is that she would not be a winning candidate for the Republican Party in 2012.” WOW!
Oooh……so NOW Steve Schmidt thinks that selecting that UNintelligent woman (and dangerous joke of a politician) as the Republican Presidential nominee in 2012 would be “Catastrophic” for his Party????Yet, Schmidt and CO somehow DIDN'T see this when they cynically chose her _and then tried to pass her off_as the Repub VP nominee just last summer???! Yeah okay Steve_lol_smh.
Off topic but related to the GOP's “catastrophically” LOSING strategy: Bob Dole: Health Care Will Pass, GOP Should Get On Board 10-7-09Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kans.) told a group of local Kansas reporters on Wednesday, that opposition to the president's health care package had been driven by knee-jerk partisanship and urged Congressional Republicans to get on board a version of reform.The 1996 Republican presidential candidate also predicted, following a speech at a health care reform summit in Kansas, that "there will be a signing ceremony" for a reform bill sometime this year or early in 2010.But the comments that seem likely to create the most ripples were those that dealt with congressional opposition to the White House.Dole, according to reports, framed the pushback to Barack Obama's reform agenda as almost perfunctory in nature."Sometimes people fight you just to fight you," he said, according to The Kansas City Star. "They don't want Reagan to get it, they don't want Obama to get it, so we've got to kill it…"Health care is one of those things," he added. "Now we've got to do something."Full story: <a href="… />Nothin' like retiring and no longer having to tow the party’s asinine line huh Bob_smh.But the truth is, IF the Dems had their ACT together, it wouldn’t make a d*mn bit of difference what the Repubs do!