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Where in the world is Edward Snowden?

The man who blew the whistle on the NSA monitoring scheme known as PRISM, had been hiding out in Hong Kong since making the U.S. government’s program public.  The U.S. was following his whereabouts and had been working sources within the Hong Kong and Chinese governments to get Snowden extradited back to the United States.

However, Snowden somehow fled Hong Kong (without a passport) and ended up in Russia, where he was supposed to take a flight to Cuba.  He was reportedly seeking asylum in Cuba or perhaps Ecuador, neither of which would be very cooperative in forcibly returning Snowden to American justice.  A gang of journalists from around the world booked seats on Snowden’s presumed flight from Russia to Cuba, hoping to interview him.  But Snowden was a no-show.  He wasn’t on the flight to Cuba and nobody really knows where he could be now.

Did Edward Snowden just fake out the U.S. government and the rest of the world?  Did he pretend to be on the Cuba flight, just to actually sneak out of Russia on a private jet headed for parts unknown?  Is he still hiding in Russia somewhere?  What secret data has Snowden provided to the former Soviet Union in exchange for his protection and freedom?

These are all very valid questions that inquiring U.S. government minds would like to know.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. This guy is being helped by somebody…perhaps even a network of people(?)

    And the um…*journalists* who booked seats on a flight they presumed he'd be on…..they got exactly what they deserved. PLAYED.

    The entire world knows that the U.S. government desperately wants to get this man so WHY pray tell would he allow himself to be a sitting duck on a flight filled with REPORTERS?!

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