Earlier this week, some of the Taliban’s most dangerous terrorists managed (for the 2nd time) an incredible feat — to escape from one of Afghanistan’s largest prisons.
At least 470 prisoners, including Taliban commanders and fighters, escaped through a 1,180 foot tunnel just outside Kandahar. And now an embarrassed Afghan government is having to provide answers to an angry U.S. military support team, how nearly 500 prisoners were each able to crawl out through a narrow man-made tunnel without anyone noticing?
Zabiullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, bragged about the escape through the massive tunnel, which took five months to complete. Mujahid said the tunnel led from a house northeast of the prison, which “our friends” had rented, to the wing where Taliban members were held.
“We had proper digging equipment. There was so much earth from the tunnel that we carried it away gradually and sold it in the market,” Mjuahid said. “We had the support of skilled professionals — people who were trained engineers, who advised us on the digging. We managed to hit the spot where the prisoners were kept.”
Fortunately, all the prisoners were captured and returned to prison. And reports are now that it was likely carried out as an “inside job.” But it makes one wonder about the security structure in a country the U.S. has invested so much time, money and military might in.