Mexico, Immigration, and Donald Trump

Politics –
Mexico, Immigration,
and Donald Trump
Following a visit to Mexico earlier in the day, Donald Trump has for once and for all settled the issue of who will pay for his proposed border wall and clarified his controversial policy on immigration  — or did he?  Um… no, he did not!
It was a whirlwind Wednesday for “The Donald,” that began with a hastily arranged and ill-prepared trip to Mexico City to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto. His day was a “whirlwind” because the trip was so quick and so short, most airlines would compare it to a pit stop meant to allow passengers to change planes.
The official purpose of Trump’s trip was to discuss the proposed border wall that he has long claimed he will build and then bill to Mexico. However, the trip was more of a photo-op meant to show some of America’s “less intelligent” voters that he is a supposed “world leader” who is on top of foreign policy issues, while genuinely reaching out to those American voters who have immigrated from Mexico. Or, to put it simply, it was all a political sham from a professional flim-flam man!
“Who pays for the wall? We didn’t discuss,” Trump reluctantly disclosed to a reporter during a news conference following the meeting in Mexico City. “We did discuss the wall. We didn’t discuss payment of the wall. That’ll be for a later date.”
However, President Peña Nieto was not at all reluctant in his conflicting response, saying that he and Mr. Trump did, in fact, discuss the wall and who would pay for it — and that he “made it clear” to Trump it wouldn’t be Mexico.
“At the start of the conversation with Donald Trump, I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall,” the president said after segueing into Spanish and ripping the man he once compared to Adolph Hitler on trade, immigration, guns and more. For his part, Trump stood idly by looking somber and confused, but later saying that Mexicans were “spectacular” people when it was finally his turn to talk.
Oh well, Donald, so much for credibility.
“What we saw today from a man who claims to be the ultimate ‘deal maker’ is that he doesn’t have the courage to advocate for his campaign promises when he’s not in front of a friendly crowd,” Clinton campaign manager John Podesta said. “It turns out Trump didn’t just choke, he got beat in the room and lied about it.”
In a botched attempt to save face and justify Trump’s failure to address the very issue he traveled to Mexico City to discuss, a Trump spokesman came to the rescue.
“It was not a negotiation, and that would have been inappropriate,” Jason Miller said. “It is unsurprising that they hold two different views on this issue, and we look forward to continuing the conversation.”
Arizona’s controversial conservative Sheriff Joe Arpaio also chimed in with his defense of “The Donald.”
“What difference does it make?” Arpaio told CNN’s Jake Tapper of Trump’s failure to discuss financing the centerpiece of his border plan. “The wall’s important no matter who pays.”
That was only half of Trump’s whirlwind day — and it went further downhill from there.
Initially saying that he would be harsh on illegal immigration, then softening his plans and promising there would be no deportation force, Donald Trump made yet another flip-flop on Wednesday during a policy speech that returned to his previous plans to deport 11 million undocumented migrants.
In a move that clearly had the stamp of new campaign chief Steve Bannon of Breitbart News written all over it, the Republican presidential nominee re-upped the harsh immigration rhetoric from his primary campaign, vowing “no amnesty” for “illegals” living in the United States and promising to build a “beautiful” and “impenetrable” border wall that Mexico would pay for — only hours after he failed to even discuss it and Mexico’s president made crystal clear his country would not pay for it.
“This election is our last chance to secure the border, stop illegal immigration, and reform our laws to make your life better,” Trump said in his Phoenix remarks, presenting a murky position that seems to change almost every other week.
During the speech, Trump (yet again) said he will create a “deportation task force” within the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division. He promised to boost the ranks of enforcement agents to enforce existing laws. He vowed that any undocumented immigrants who are caught crossing into the U.S. will be “detained until they are removed from our country” and sent back to their country of origin. He then promised to repeal President Obama’s executive orders shielding so-called Dreamers from deportation.
Instead of broadening his support beyond the radical white base that propelled him to the GOP nomination, Trump has returned to “singing to the choir” and has failed to realize his base is simply not large enough to secure a win in November.
His controversial return to very narrow positions that can’t possibly win a presidential election among a general electorate only fuels the notion that Donald Trump doesn’t really want to be President of the United States. Instead, it promotes the theory that he is merely cultivating a cadre of Alt-right Americans who will blindly follow him to a potential Trump TV network, or whatever media venture his sham of a presidential candidacy is concocting.
OK WASSUP! discusses politics, including
Donald Trump’s trip to Mexico and immigration speech.
Another great summary DJ. Thank you. .
I got off work a little early yesterday and was able to catch the Mexican presser (such as it was). The event didn't last long but I think it revealed a lot about both men. Each man tried to use the other to give himself some cred. And IMO they both failed. Miserably.
So then last night, I forced myself to sit through Trump's entire rant (a policy speech it was not). I endured that painful ordeal because I wanted to see for myself the degree to which he would be unhinged following his weak-azz performance in Mexico.
Sure enough, he served up his usual heaping of scapegoating and Hate- to the delight of his rabid supporters. But he did so with even more bile and machismo BS than usual. A fake alpha-dog like Trump is SO predictable.
As he raged on and on, I kept saying to myself – This. is. a. total. disaster.
No way he moved the needle beyond HIS base of support. In fact, I'd wager he probably lost some votes.
To quote a Politico reader: "I think Trump figured out a way to guarantee he loses and executed on it."
What a fiasco. An absolute fiasco…smh.
"Several Hispanic Trump surrogates reconsider support"
Several major Latino surrogates for Donald Trump are reconsidering their support for him following the Republican nominee’s hardline speech on immigration Wednesday night.
Jacob Monty, a member of Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Council, has resigned, and Alfonso Aguilar, the president of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, said in an interview that he is “inclined” to pull his support.
“I was a strong supporter of Donald Trump when I believed he was going to address the immigration problem realistically and compassionately,” said Monty, a Houston attorney who has aggressively made the Latino case for Trump. “What I heard today was not realistic and not compassionate.”
He withdrew from the board following Trump’s speech in Phoenix, which was heavy on calls for border security and emphasized that all immigrants in the country illegally were subject to deportation.
“When we met [earlier in August] he was going to approach this issue with a realistic plan, a compassionate plan, with a plan that was not disruptive to the immigrants that were here that were not lawbreakers,” said Monty, one of the Latino leaders who met with the candidate at Trump Tower recently, a gathering at which Trump reportedly softened his tone toward undocumented immigrants already in the country. “He didn’t deliver any of that.” […] Katie Glueck, writer at Politico
Politico Reader:
To think that Republicans nominated this man to be the leader of the most powerful country on earth. Simply astounding. […]
HA Reader:
Scapegoating and hatred aimed at an innocent group of people. Madness. Could have been Hitler talking about taking back Germany from the Jews and their back stabbing allies.
That's it for me; I'm no longer just nevertrump, I'm voting for Hillary to stop this madness. Any patriot should do the same or you're marching in lockstep with a movement that will destroy America. […]
Joan Walsh: "I hope the journalists who called this Cro-Magnon "presidential" {yesterday} are resigning their jobs."
Charles Johnson: "Journalists who promoted Trump's "softening" – after this insane speech, you should hang your heads in shame."
Jelani Cobb: "This is is not a general election speech. It’s pure id to id communication."
First of all that whole Mexico event was a disaster. Trump used the Mexican president to make himself look statesmen and the Mexican president fell for it ended up looking like a fool. He stood there and just let Trump say whatever he wanted now he can use that for a campaign ad or whatever. Trump had no business being down there since he is not the president and Mexico should have never let him come. As for the speech in Arizoan that was a big waste of time. Trump knows he's not getting blacks or latinos to vote for him so he just talked the same people he already has in his corner. That was unnecessary. After pretending he was going to try and include more people he just went back to the old way. I think DJ is right, he is just talking to his base because he has a plan past the presidential election. So he's gathering up people to be on his side after he loses. We are chumps because Trump is playing everybody.
Donald Trump's highly anticipated speech on US immigration reform was a hit with white nationalists. CNN's Tom Foreman reports.