Comments on: Celebrities Get Political For Election 2018 News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 05 Nov 2018 04:48:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Fri, 02 Nov 2018 12:32:50 +0000 Just a follow-up to my response from yesterday….

I had an opportunity to see the video of Oprah in action as she gave her “Get Out And Vote” speech yesterday in front of a large crowed in Marietta GA, on behalf of Stacey Abrams. Following that speech, Oprah did a 1:1 interview with Ms. Abrams. And all I can say is…Well.Done.

Oprah struck just the right message in just the right tone. Her presentation was Unequivocal, Fierce, Proud, Independent-thinking, Grateful and Determined. As DJ described her, Oprah is indeed an “icon” not just a celebrity.

And as BD said: “If we have Oprah and Will Farrel willing to knock on doors and rappers telling these young kids they have to vote then I am all for it.”


By: Mr.BD Thu, 01 Nov 2018 17:10:05 +0000 I like seeing this. Especially if anybody is trying to get the young people involved. It used to be people paid no mind to mid terms and only thought about the president election. If we have Oprah and Will Farrel willing to knock on doors and rappers telling these young kids they have to vote then I am all for it.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 01 Nov 2018 15:34:12 +0000 Generally, I don’t really have a problem with “celebrities” actively supporting candidates, as long as those celebrities are a real Help…NOT a hindrance. Each “celebrity” must avoid going overboard and embarrassing themselves himself/herself and the candidate he/she supports. Striking just the “right balance” will be their biggest challenge.

Celebrities are “attention seekers” by nature. They also tend to be narcissistic. They really must be mindful to keep themselves in check and NOT steal the spotlight.
