Coke Toupee Or ‘Drug Under A Rug’

Have you heard the one about the Coke Toupee? No, this isn’t the start of a bad joke — just the tale of a really bad toupee.
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An unnamed 65-year-old Columbian man tried to sneak a large bag of cocaine into Spain. So, instead of ingesting the drug via little bags or some other common method, he tried to be creative and ingenious.
When the man passed through Customs, his toupee looked a bit.. umm… odd. That’s when Customs officials discovered that the man was storing $34 thousand dollars worth of the cocaine drug under his rug and quickly arrested him.
Yes, the man actually believed his high-riding toupee would pass without suspicion. Now, the man, the coke, and the hairpiece are all in custody.
Check out the video below.
Lol. My better-half will often remind me that “There’s stupid.” …”And then there’s a SPECIAL kind of Stupid.”
I’d say this qualifies as a “SPECIAL kind of Stupid”…lol. Po’ fella…smh!