Trump-Kim ‘Reality Show’ Begins In Singapore
The Trump-Kim summit between Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has begun in Singapore. So, why has the event already become a “Made for TV” reality circus?
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Trump hastily left the G7 Summit in a huff, while praising Russia and blasting US allies. He then arrived for the Trump-Kim summit with no agenda, no preparation, and no idea on what would make the event even remotely a success. Still, that didn’t stop Donald “perfect” Trump, who seems to remain under the perpetual impression that his every thought and every move is always “terrific,” “tremendous,” and/or an unbelievably “huge success.”
Not surprisingly, “The Donald” is already calling the Trump-Kim summit “tremendously successful” even though it’s just getting started and nothing has happened yet.

The day began with former NBA basketball player and reality television performer Dennis Rodman arriving in Singapore to partake in the Trump-Kim summit. His presence alone spoke volumes for the circus that was yet to come.
“(President) Obama wouldn’t even give me the time of day,” Rodman wailed through a sea of tears to CNN’s Chris Cuomo. “He just brushed me off,” Rodman continued, suggesting that the-then President of the United States should have somehow seen and respected him as a legitimate foreign policy player on the world stage (he didn’t).
Next, after a brief 38-minute meeting with Kim Jong Un, Trump emerged from the room to brag to reporters that the 2 men had miraculously established an “Excellent relationship,” and that his gut was telling him he could “solve a big problem, a big dilemma” during the Trump-Kim meeting.
“Working together, we’ll get it taken care of,” Trump said without clarifying what “it” was that he could fix in 38 minutes.
“This will be tremendously successful. We will have a terrific relationship,” Trump mused, apparently forgetting that this was the same man he dubbed “Little Rocket Man” while slinging a string of additional insults at.
Should Donald Trump trust Kim Jong Un? Should preparation, conducting lower-level talks, and doing advanced homework be retired as irrelevant and unnecessary in favor of Trump’s “gut?” Will “The Donald” be able to do what no other US president in history has ever been able to do and convince North Korea to play nice on the world stage and destroy its nuclear weapons program?
Maybe we should all ask Dennis Rodman!
Geez! Having all kinds of problems at my job with loss of phone and internet service this morning so I hope i can post this response before we lose connections again.
Okay so now that the dog and pony show is over we’ll have to wait and see what actually comes of this. So far, Trump (America) got a hand-shake, a sit-down, and lots of photo-ops. Oh and a joint piece of paper that most likely lacks any detailed specifics as in specific timelines and “firm enforcement mechanisms.” Just a lot of “happy talk as a precursor to REAL negotiations. .”
Kim Jong Un got…well everything he wants beginning with TIME. He got U.S. recognition on the global stage, he gets to keep his nukes until he decides to give them up (ain’t gonna happen but he’s happy to play “let’s pretend”). And probably sooner rather than later some sanctions against NK will begin to be lifted.
As I expressed last week, Kim Jong Un has played this brilliantly.
This is far more than Obama’s useless JCPOA with Iran. Unlike Obama, Trump negotiates from a position of strength instead of appeasement. […]
He can negotiate through strength all he wants and that means bupkis. The acid test consists of all of the things Trump has complained about on the JCPOA. Inspections, no sanctuaries for continued development, dismantling of his program, etc. Beating of the chest and bragging is nothing in relations between nations.
Pieces of worthless paper mean nothing in terms of power politics. Actually they’re worse than nothing, They give one side the illusion of progress while the other does what they damned well want. Until we get to changes in the facts-on-the-ground this is mere posturing. Trump seems to know that and so should his fans. This is the start of the process…not any sort of conclusion at all. […]
Oh and will someone please get Dennis Rodman a *blanky*…smh!
This whole thing was for show that Trump likes to do best. I just read a article that said the agreement Trump and Kim jong un signed today had no details in it but was for symbolic reasons only. They agreed that North Korea MIGHT end their nuclear program in ten or twenty years and the U.S. would start lifting sanctions. Then they said nothing was agreed on for human rights for the people of North Korea. So basically Kim jong un got the pic he wanted and got Trump to agree to lift sanctions and he gave up nothing in return. Now all these Trump people are cheering for Trump like he did something great when he did nothing. This is so stupid it’s ridiculous.
BD trust….Trumpkins know darn well WE gave up a lot and didn’t get squat for it. But they have to PRETEND that Trump did something great or else they’d have to face the Truth.
Truth and Facts AIN’T their friend, my friend.
NY Times:
President Trump said “war games” on the Korean Peninsula would stop, catching the Pentagon and South Korea off guard, after meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un.
Daniel Larison:
The summit in Singapore was brief, and judging from the official statement released after the meeting it did not accomplish very much. North Korea has committed to “work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” That is the same vague, aspirational language that their government has been using for decades, and it still remains as unlikely to happen as ever.
The good news is that the summit did not cause a collapse of talks following a walkout by either side. The two sides committed to hold further talks.
The danger now is that one or both sides will misinterpret what the summit statement means and have unreasonable expectations for how quickly things should progress. The president this morning was already building up expectations that North Korean disarmament would begin soon.
This seems to be a case of reading too much into the North Korean commitment and misinterpreting it to fit the U.S. definition of denuclearization. When North Korea doesn’t begin dismantling its arsenal “very quickly,” there is a good chance that the president will overreact and anything that might actually be achieved through negotiations could be lost. North Korea’s arsenal is the reason they were able to receive the recognition and status that they now have, so they have every incentive to keep it. […] – TAC writer
TAC Reader:
I can’t stand Trump but had this summit worked I would have applauded for the result, even if I can’t and the man who would have accomplished it. But despite the US proclamations, we gave up a huge chip in these talks and got bupkis.
The annual training exercises are a major thorn in the side of NK, and they have been protesting them for years. So we agree to stop doing something that actually pisses off the regime in exchange for a promise to at some point think about denuclearization. What a joke. […]
“Trump Was Outfoxed in Singapore”
It sure looks as if President Trump was hoodwinked in Singapore.
Trump made a huge concession — the suspension of military exercises with South Korea. That’s on top of the broader concession of the summit meeting itself, security guarantees he gave North Korea and the legitimacy that the summit provides his counterpart, Kim Jong-un.
Within North Korea, the “very special bond” that Trump claimed to have formed with Kim will be portrayed this way: Kim forced the American president, through his nuclear and missile tests, to accept North Korea as a nuclear equal, to provide security guarantees to North Korea, and to cancel war games with South Korea that the North has protested for decades.
In exchange for these concessions, Trump seems to have won astonishingly little. In a joint statement, Kim merely “reaffirmed” the same commitment to denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula that North Korea has repeatedly made since 1992. […] -New York Times writer
Can Donald Trump be anymore of a dumbass?? Kim Jong un just took him to the cleaners. There’s no way in hell anybody believes Trump did something good here.