Surprise! The group REPUBLICAN VOTERS AGAINST TRUMP has created a very damning video that is already causing huge concern for ‘The Donald.’
Politics :
In the hidden camera video (which was created to become a commercial), a man walks into several stores inside a mall pretending to look for a job. “I’m currently facing 88 felonies,” the man explains, before adding that the charges include retention of classified information, falsifying business documents, and being found liable for sexual assault.
He then asks the store clerk if his checkered past might prevent him from being hired — and is told over and over again that YES, his past makes him unhireable.

“If Trump is too big of a liability to get a job at your local mall, he is too big of a liability to be president of the United States,” the voiceover concludes in the new video slated to begin airing on Fox News soon.
Check out the anti-Trump video for yourself below.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The video from Republican Voters Against Trump.
Thanks DJ, for posting about this!
I saw this video the other day and thought myself – it (the Truth) doesn’t get any easier to understand than this. Kudos to the man who thought of this idea!
What doesn’t any sane American with even half a brain NOT get about the message conveyed in this video!?!
It’s as plain as the nose on your face.
I think there is now ample evidence confirming what I’ve been saying about Trump voters for quite some time.
They know exactly who and what Trump is. He isn’t some rare anomaly. He’s a reflection…of Them!
Like him, they don’t give a fig about anything or anyone but themselves. They’re mostly an assorted bag of Misfits (Haters, morons, Losers, fake Rambos, gun-loving nutjobs and “fraidy cats”) who mostly Fear their own shadow. They also Fear smart and confident Women!