North Korean Noise?
North Korea and its young leader is making a lot of military noise of late.
Within the past 10 days, Kim Jung Un has threatened to attack U.S. bases, has threatened South Korea and its new female president, has disregarded the cease fire agreement that ended the Korean war, has warned foreign visitors in South Korea to evacuate immediately and has promised to test a nuclear weapon in the coming days. Is this propaganda or a legitimate threat?
Despite calls from China to calm the rhetoric and promises from the U.S. that any aggression toward U.S. bases, its personnel or allies would evoke a swift response, North Korea has pushed the limits of its threats. With little known about Kim Jung Un and his thinking, no one is really sure just what he may do next.
Some military experts think the noise from North Korea is just that — noise — and a chance for the 28-year-old Kim Jung Un to bolster his national power and impress his military leadership. He may be bluffing in the hopes of securing money, food and other gifts from those countries who would like to see him avoid confrontation. Some believe Kim Jung Un is not fully in control of the country and is being controlled by the old guard in the military. Others believe the young leader and his regime could just be fragile and insane enough to proceed with unprovoked aggression.
Should we be concerned?
North Korea is just bluffing. I'm not worried about them.
I agree with BD. I think he's bluffing.
However, I also think he's reckless and a bit NUTS therefore I wouldn't totally dismiss him/his threats.
Even if he is just bluffing We'd be wise to be prepared for anything…even the unthinkable.