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Is Jay Leno’s return to THE TONIGHT SHOW already in trouble before it even begins?

Some television experts think so, or at the very least believe Jay has a rather steep hill to climb to regain prominence in the late night T.V. talk show wars.  The theory that Jay basically stole the show back from Conan, forcing a “Jay Leno vs. Team Conan” movement already has the network worried that Jay has permanently lost some viewers who may never return.  And in the midst of the Jay/Conan feud, NBC has also taken note that CBS’s THE LATE SHOW with DAVID LETTERMAN has seized the moment — and the ratings.  But if that wasn’t enough, things got even worse for Jay earlier this week.

Longtime band leader Kevin Eubanks, who has been with Jay from nearly the beginning of his hosting duties on NBC, announced that he will not be returning to lead the band when Jay returns to the airwaves March 1st.  According to Eubanks, he wants to pursue other opportunities outside of a nightly television gig, including records and touring.  But word on the street is that Eubanks recognizes the revamped THE TONIGHT SHOW with JAY LENO is a sinking ship, and he wants off before it goes down for the count.

Is the writing already on the wall for Jay Leno?  More to come.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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