Sean Spicer Lies Prompt Hashtag #alternativefacts

Politics –
Sean Spicer Lies Prompt
Hashtag #alternativefacts
Newly appointed White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer promised the media that he would always tell them the truth. Too bad it took him less than 24 hours to break that promise.
After the news media and even the Department of the Interior took to social media with photographic proof of just how pathetic attendance was at the Trump Inauguration on Friday, apparently the thin-skinned big boss caught wind of it and threw a temper-tantrum inside The White House. That’s when he sent Press Secretary Sean Spicer in front of the world to deliver the Trump version of the truth.
In his embarrassing debut as White House press secretary on Saturday, Sean Spicer accused the media of reporting inaccurate crowd numbers and using misrepresentative photographs “to minimize the enormous support” that he claimed Trump enjoyed at his swearing-in.
“No one had numbers because the National Park Service, which controls the National Mall, does not put any out,” Spicer said. “These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm for the inauguration are shameful and wrong.” He then added the pièce de résistance that Trump had attracted “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration. PERIOD!”
Granted, Donald Trump is known for living in his own alternate universe and playing loose with the truth, but this was a total embarrassment from the voicebox of The White House — particularly since he had just promised to always tell the truth.
Well, cue the fun, because the media and the general public have since had a field day with “Donald Trump’s words” via Sean Spicer.
In an interview with newly appointed White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on “Fox News Sunday,” anchor Chris Wallace confronted Priebus over the White House’s dubious claims about the size of the Trump inaugural crowd.
“President Trump said in his inaugural address that every decision he makes will be to benefit American families. How does arguing about crowd size do that?” Wallace asked.
“It really isn’t about crowd size. What it’s about is honesty in the media,” Priebus blared, suggesting that there is a media conspiracy to delegitimize Trump’s presidency.
“The media from day one has been talking about delegitimizing the election. Talking about the Russians, talking about everything you can imagine except the fact that we need to move this country forward.
However, Wallace refused to be deterred and continued to press Priebus, reminding him that Trump made 2 separate inaccurate claims about the size of the inaugural crowd during an appearance at CIA headquarters on Saturday. Wallace also posted side-by-side pictures of the Obama and Trump inaugurations.
“You talk about honesty. You say this is about honesty. But there’s another issue here though, Reince, and that is the president’s honesty. Two things he said yesterday were just flat wrong,” Wallace said.
“Take a look at those pictures,” Wallace continued, putting up the pictures of Mr. Obama’s 2009 inauguration and Trump’s on Friday. “Which one is bigger?”
“You’re also not saying that that picture was taken before he was even speaking,” Priebus replied.
“I was there, I was there ON the mall,” Wallace interjected.
“I was there too, Chris,” Priebus barked back.
Wallace dubbed the conversation “ridiculous,” but when Priebus insisted that crowds stretched from the congressional steps to the Washington Monument, Wallace urged his producers to “put up the picture again.”

Needless to say, Priebus was left with egg on his face — which brings us back to Sean Spicer, who was forced to reappear in front of the media on Monday to re-address his claims from Saturday.
Saying that he believes his job is to be honest with the public, Spicer added, “sometimes we can disagree with the facts but our intention is never to lie.”
“There are certain things that we may — we may not fully understand when we come out but our intention is never to lie to you,” he added.
Surprisingly, Sean Spicer awkwardly continued to defend his statement that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe,” even though those audience numbers have not been confirmed.
When asked by ABC News’ Jonathan Karl about whether or not Trump’s inauguration had a larger audience than that of President Ronald Reagan’s, Spicer said, “I’m pretty sure that Reagan didn’t have YouTube, Facebook or the internet.”
Spicer added that it has been “demoralizing” to see the “constant theme” of news coverage taking what he perceives as a negative tone against Trump both during the inauguration and during the campaign.
“Over and over again there’s this constant attempt to undermine his credibility and the movement that he represents. It’s frustrating for not just him but for so many of us trying to work to get this message out,” he said.
“I will tell you it’s not about crowd size. … There is this constant theme to undercut the enormous support that he has. It’s unbelievably frustrating when you are continually told it isn’t big enough, not good enough, you can’t win,” he continued.
Spicer also defended his decision not to take any questions after making his statement on Saturday.
“Look — I came out to read a statement. I did it. We’re here today. I’m going to stay as long as you want,” Spicer said.
Hmmm…how uncomfortable!
The mistruth’s from Sean Spicer via his boss, Donald Trump, have since dubbed him the Minister of Propaganda. His words have also given birth to a fun new social media craze.
By Monday, people everywhere were creating their own versions of the truth, then posting them to their social media profiles with the hashtag #alternativefacts. People are claiming such alternate facts as being named starting quarterback in the 2017 Superbowl, to getting a dozen free tickets to the Broadway hit “Hamilton.”
Oh well, welcome to the world of Trump!
Regular readers of this site know that since the presidential election, I have had pretty much no use for the mainstream television news media; choosing to get most of my news via C-SPAN and online sites that I trust (like OK WASSUP!).
However I will admit I tuned in to MSNBC last Saturday to see the Women's March happening all over the nation and around the world. And I also caught Sean Spicer's performance Saturday night. Man, what a spectacle….smh.
But here's the thing. You just knew it was going to happen. As soon as those pics came out showing such a pitiful turnout for Trump's inauguration, you just knew Trump would lose it and the LIES would start flying. And fly they did….fast and furious.
It's classic Trumpism. When reality doesn't match your worldview or interpretation of the situation Just.Make.Sh*t.Up. And dare others (in this case, the media) to call BS on your obvious LIES. And if…whoever…calls BS on your lies, just accuse them of trying "to undermine {Trump's} credibility and the movement that he represents."
This kind of crap went on all the time when Trump was running during the primaries and during the general contest against Hillary.
The only difference today is that – after supporting Trump's campaign at a cost of at least $2 BILLION dollars worth of FREE media – it appears (at least for now) that most of the mainstream news media ain't going along with the Okie-doke.
If the news media continues to hold these clowns feet to the fire, beginning with Trump, then it's going to be a mighty tough 4 years for the Trump administration because with Trump compulsive LYING seems to come 2nd nature to him. And it's clear that Trump expects his spokespeople to yield to that same disturbing pathology so long as it serves him…and only him.
To heck with the Truth.
I suspect that Sean, Kellyanne and others who work for Trump will likely begin to AGE rather quickly. To say nothing of burn-out.
…….on a related note…..
I heard about this first thing this morning.
"Trump Tells Hill Leaders: Undocumented Immigrants Lost Me Popular Vote"
President Donald Trump is telling House and Senate leaders he would have won the popular vote in the 2016 election if not for the votes of 3 million to 5 million immigrants living in the country illegally.
There is no evidence to support Trump's claim.
Trump made the assertion at a meeting with congressional leaders Monday night. That's according to a Democratic aide familiar with the exchange, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private meeting. The Washington Post first reported the conversation.
Trump has made the false claims before, tweeting in late November that he had "won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally."
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million votes but lost the Electoral College to Trump. […]
H/T: Talking Points Memo (TPM)
The man simply can't handle the Truth..so he just keeps LYING.
I don't understand why they have to lie so much. It's not like we can't see truth for ourselves. Everybody already saw all the pictures so everybody saw how empty the whole thing was. No wonder they made up alternative facts. Already Spicer has lost hhis credibility.
Typical lying bastard, if things don't go his way, then everyone is lying, they don't like him, blame this and that for his lousy behavior on every Human being out there. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS EVIL, poisonous RAT, he doesn't get it , we don't like him, he is a very REPULSIVE THING, I refuse to call him a person, a call him every other name under the Sun, just like I refuse to call President, because he is NOT MY PRESIDENT, MY PRESIDENT, AND MY FIRST LADY, are AND WILL ALWAYS BE, MR AND MRS BARACK OBAMA as long as that thing is in the WH. Rosie O Donald is right he is mentally incompetent to be Chief in Command. That thing is sick with HATE, EGO, BIGOTRY, MYSOGINIST. get that Racist LOWLIFE SCUM BAG RAPIST IMPEACHED.