
Certification: Trump’s Plan To Steal The Election

- can Trump freeze the entire election by halting Georgia vote count?

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If you’re unfamiliar with the importance of certification in each and every US election, you should learn about it now and how Donald Trump intends to use it to his advantage this November.

Politics :
Voting is by far the most important element of any election. However, coming in an extremely close 2nd is the process of voter certification. Or, in other words, after all votes are cast someone has to certify that the process was fair and that the vote tallies are accurate. Certification first happens at the county level and then the state level, before making its way to the federal level where the vice president of the United States is charged with certifying the country’s results.


In 2020, Donald Trump tried every trick in the book to convince then-VP Mike Pence to refuse to certify the election results in favor of Joe Biden’s victory. His plan failed, but the undeterred Trump is planning to try it once again in 2024 on a lower level.

According to MSNBC, Trump forced 2 new members onto the 5-member Georgia State Election Board (which is comprised of 3 Republicans, 1 Democrat, and a nonpartisan chairperson). According to the report, these new members are MAGA sycophants who are eager to do his bidding.

In Georgia, it only takes 1 member of the panel to question the validity of the certification process in order to stop it in its tracks. So, if on November 5th Kamala Harris appears to be on her way to victory, Trump’s MAGA plants could halt certification in Georgia — a move that would create a domino effect and halt the national decision. After all, neither Harris nor Trump could be declared the real winner if the State of Georgia was left outstanding.

If Trump’s Georga stall tactic were to stretch beyond Inauguration Day 2025, Article Two, Section 1, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution states that the US House of Representatives would be allowed to hold a presidential contingent election, effectively giving them the power to elect the next president by a simple majority vote.

FYI: The US House of Representatives is currently controlled by the Republican Party.

In case all else failed and Trump’s certification scheme didn’t work, the election could be sent to the US Supreme Court — similar to the way it was between George W. Bush vs. Al Gore back in 2000.

FYI: The US Supreme Court was loaded up with mostly Donald Trump appointees who have already proven they’re sympathetic to him and his causes.

So, do you see where this is going?

Donald Trump may already have a cheat code in place to ensure he wins even if he loses (again).

“I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Georgia State Election [Board] is in a very positive way,” Trump said during a recent Georgia rally. “They’re on fire, they’re doing a great job. Three members: Janice Johnston, Rick Jeffares, and Janelle King. Three people, they’re all pit bulls, fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory. They’re fighting.”

Trump points out Janice Johnston at his MAGA rally

Did you notice how Trump congratulated his flunkies for “doing a great job,” even though their jobs won’t start until November? Did you also notice how he couldn’t help but point out that they’re already “fighting” — but for what? The election hasn’t happened yet.

Interestingly, Johnston, Jeffares, and King were each seated in the front row of Trump’s rally — and even stood and waved to the MAGA crowd amid a chorus of cheers.


“5 alarm fire for democracy in Georgia,” voting rights correspondent Ari Berman tweeted on X. “MAGA majority on state election board laying groundwork not to certify election if Trump loses again. They’re telegraphing exactly how they’re planning to try to steal the election this time,” he concluded.

“These are MAGA certification rules, and they’re in direct conflict with Georgia law, which states in multiple places that local elections board officials shall perform their duties, meaning their duties are mandatory, not discretionary,” State Rep. Sam Park said last week in a press conference.

“The risk is using pretextual reasons to fail to certify when folks are not pleased with the results,” said Sara Tindall Ghazal, the sole Democratic representative on the board. “That is my concern—using excuses to fail to certify.”


Thankfully, the braggadocious Trump already played his hand and boasted about his scheme. So, legal experts are prepared for the illegal ploy and predict that it will almost assuredly be challenged in court.

“It is entirely appropriate for a Fulton County Superior Court judge to issue declaratory relief to prevent problems in November with delays,” Georgia constitutional law professor Anthony Michael Kreis, said.

Still, since the measure does not define what is considered a “reasonable inquiry” to refuse to certify, Democrats and voting rights groups are warning that the November election could evolve into another 2020 debacle by Donald Drumpf.

Stay tuned…

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Call me naive but……

While it is certainly wise for Us to be aware of, and prepared for, any and all tactics Trump and his minions will try to use to “steal” this election – this whole thing is beginning to feel like destiny to me. Meaning that no matter what they do they cannot stop what is destined to be!

I know that WE The People must turn out en masse and Vote so that Kamala’s win is decisive. But if we do that, I truly believe that NO weapon formed against Us shall succeed!

Last edited 1 month ago by Truthiz1

Hey Truth I am all for having faith. But the devil is a lie and is going to try all the tricks to ruin everything.


BD, my good friend, please read my response again.


On a related sidenote……

The numbers of people of all races and ethnicities, especially white voters, turning out for the Harris/Walz rallies is truly amazing!

My feet are firmly on the ground. This election “ain’t” over till it’s over. But 3 or 4 yrs ago I suggested that this fight (the future of America) would ultimately come down to good and fair-minded White Americans taking on their hateful and racist White brethren.

From my observation, a number of White Americans who truly love this country are fed up with Trump’s madness and toxic BS. They’ve had enough and reached a tipping point. They WILL vote for Kamala!

Last edited 1 month ago by Truthiz1

Trump is desperate because he has to win to stay out of jail. So I do not put anything past him. DJ already said it here a hundred times. Trump is not going to accept losing. He is going to try every trick in the book to win by any means necessary.

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