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WASHINGTON - MARCH 3: Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill March 3, 2010 in Washington, DC. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) announced he is temporarily stepping down as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee until the House ethics committee concludes an investigation into possible ethics violations. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)

Charlie Rangel is in trouble.

The 20 term veteran Congressman from Harlem, NY and former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, was accused last week by the House ethics committee of 13 House rules violations involving alleged financial wrongdoing and harming the credibility of Congress.

“Credibility is what’s at stake here; the very credibility of the House itself before the American people,” said Rep. Mike McCaul, a ranking Republican involved in a trial-like hearing on the charges against Rangel, who is running for re-election this year.

According to the charges, Rangel allegedly failed to report more than $600,000 on financial disclosure reports and improperly solicited funds for the construction of a center bearing his name at the City College of New York. The committee also alleged that Rangel improperly used a rent-subsidized apartment as a campaign office for over a decade and failed to pay taxes on a home in the Dominican Republic. Originally, it was believed that Rangel was set to accept a plea bargain so as to avoid a possible House trial and embarrassment to his party and to his own reelection bid. But no such deal surfaced, setting up Rangel for a September airing of the charges — just in time for the midterm elections in November.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there must be “accountability” and “transparency” in cases of ethical transgressions. “Holding a high ethical standard is a serious responsibility … and a top priority” for the House Democratic leadership.  As far as what this could mean in terms of political fallout from cases such as Rangel’s, Pelosi added “Let the chips will fall where they may.”




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This guy just handed Republicans a early christmas present. They were looking for a Democrat scandal to use in the fall election and now they have their wish. Charlie Rangle is a good reason to have term limits.

  2. It now also appears that CA Congresswoman Maxine Waters may be facing “ethics” charges too and, though the charges aren’t considered “as severe” as Rangel’s, none of it speaks well of the Democratic Party. But here's where I disagree a little with BD.The OBVIOUS dilemma for the good OLE boys running the NOT-so-Grand OLD Party these days (hoping to score actual politcal points on "flawed" Dems) is IMO this:Most Americans view the Repubs as being even MORE corrupt and Unethical than the Dems…to say nothing of the Repubs also owning the labels: “Crazy”_“incompetent”_and “Hypocrites.” In essence: No matter how bad the Stench is around some Dems (and the stench is there) the overwhelming smell of PURE ROT emanating from the entire Republican Party means the Repubs gain no real political points from the scandals of a few Dems. Zero. Zilch. Nada.Rangel needs to go, NOW. He’s clearly overstayed his time and usefulness. But IMO, the Repubs would do well to simply keep their lying-azz hypocritical big mouths SHUT! BTW (off-topic) speaking of lying-azz big mouth Republicans: I see that the RNC is now backing AWAY from BreitbartCNN: “RNC Cancels Breitbart Fundraiser”Read: <a href="… />What an absolute JOKE of a party_smh.

  3. Ooops! Um…it seems since word got out that the RNC had "Cancelled" the Breitbart fundraiser, the radical-right "base" must've raised a royal hissy-fit …so now the RNC feels compelled to RE-invite him again: "RNC to re-invite Breitbart to fundraiser"The Republican National Committee will re-invite controversial conservative activist Andrew Breitbart to a rescheduled big-donor fundraiser next month The Washington Times reports. Read: <a href="… />Pitiful. Just. Pitiful…lol.

  4. Blacks in Congress are getting singled out. Looks like the Republican machine is behind this one.

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