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CIA director Leon Panetta seems to have had enough of Dick Cheney.  He recently went public with his belief that the former Vice-President is acting as if he’d like to see another attack on the United States to prove he’s right in criticizing President Obama and his abandonment of “harsh interrogation” of terrorism suspects. 

“I think he smells some blood in the water on the national security issue,” Panetta said in a recent interview with THE NEW YORKER magazine.  “It’s almost, a little bit, gallows politics. When you read behind it, it’s almost as if he’s wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point.”
In a blistering May 21 speech, Cheney said President Obama’s reversal of Bush-era policies were “unwise in the extreme” that would make the American people less safe.  But Panetta responded by calling Cheney’s actions “dangerous politics.”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. The truth is….When a man is responsible for ordering most _if not all_ of the insidious and UNJUST acts carried out by our military against the Iraqi people, who did NOTHING to provoke such madness….And when that same man is responsible for shattering the lives of so many American soldiers who were sent into battle_many of them to their deaths (literally and figuratively) _ based on a mountain of LIES and deception….. And when that same man is responsible for endorsing the use of TORTURE against Muslim and Arab POWs, without regard to:Human Rights violations, the Geneva Convention, U.S. military guidelines for the treatment of POWs, and most importantly, whether or NOT there’s any REAL proof that any prisoner in question is indeed a “terrorist? Or has “terrorist” connections? When a man is responsible for ALL THAT and then has to wake up every morning, face himself, and TRY to justify the fact that he is, at best a treasonous chicken-hawk traitor to his country…Well, I can see why DICK spends his days publicly wishing for another “terrorist” attack on American soil. I mean. What else has he got?_except trying to outrun the Blood and shadows of HIS victims_smh.

  2. Speaking of murderous THUGS on display while the World watches….Radley Balko:“Government has been murdering its own citizens for as long as we’ve had government, particularly when the people begin to pose a threat to those in power. The difference is that now, the entire world is watching. Iran’s brutality is on display for everyone to see, archived for history, in a way that we didn’t have even in Tiananmen, and haven’t had for most of human history. That, at least, is progress.”Hat-tip: Andrew SullivanThe Ayatollah Khamenei has been publicly wishing for an “attack” (verbally) from the “Great Satan”. But Barack refuses to play along…tsk…tsk. Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad is now calling Mousavi a “criminal.”Funny how_just like Cheney_ Khamenei and Ahmadinejad are forced to show their hand while stewing in their own sh*t. The similarities are quite striking!Like the Bush/Cheney/ neoCON regime, the Khamenei/Ahmadinejad/Guardian Council regime overplayed their hand. I believe that Khamenei is diminished_and Ahmadinejad, Significantly so_by the massive protests. Ahmadinejad will retain the Presidency. But if you ask me, his credibility is now shot to h*ll.Ain’t information technology grand?_lol.

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