Chicago Cop Murders Black Teen
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Chicago Cop Murders Black Teen
When video footage was released on Thanksgiving Eve of a white Chicago cop senselessly shooting and killing a 17-year-old black teen, the African-American community as a whole was left conflicted.  It was thankful that the rogue cop was charged with murder, but mournful that yet another black male was dead at the hands of police.
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Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke was charged last Wednesday with first-degree murder, after shooting and killing Laquan McDonald in Chicago.  It was the first time a Chicago police officer has been charged with first-degree murder for an on-duty fatality in more than 30 years.  Now here’s the kicker: the shooting happened WELL OVER A YEAR AGO and the prosecutor only recently concluded that the shooting was a murder — despite having clear video footage of the entire episode.  Huh???

According to Cook County State Attorney Anita Alvarez, she did not make an arrest in the case last year because she needed ample time to review the evidence. Â Huh??? Â Even if she had watched the tape just once per day, that would have been more than 365 opportunities to see what the rest of the world saw within the first 24 hours: that the Chicago cop committed cold-blooded murder.
“At the end of the day I’d rather take my time and get it right, than rush to judgment and get it wrong,” Alvarez said during a press conference.
Oh, come now. There was no mystery here. There were no dead-end leads to pursue. There was no ambiguity about who fired the shots and emptied their gun into a black teen. There was just a dead African-American kid with 16 bullet holes in him, a number of eyewitnesses and a damning video.  What further proof required 400 days of waiting and allowing the very guilty Officer Van Dyke to roam the streets of Chicago?  Even the conservative hacks over at Fox News had to admit that the evidence against Van Dyke was clear and conclusive.
Not surprisingly, the delay tactics from Alvarez were all part of a colossal cover-up by prosecutors and city officials, who actively tried to block the release of the video in a failed attempt to protect one of their own. Hmmm…

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Initially, Chicago police claimed McDonald was high on the hallucinogen drug PCP, acting erratically and lunged at officers with a knife when he was shot 16 times. However, the now viral dashcam video proves that the 17-year-old was walking away from (not toward) police and never once made a threatening gesture to give Van Dyke cause to open fire.
Van Dyke, who joined the Chicago police in 2001, never took a moment to assess the situation.  Instead, he opened fire just 30 seconds after his vehicle pulled up to the scene and only 6 seconds after he stepped out of it. This is despite the fact that McDonald was running down the middle of the street and away from the Chicago cop and his partner.  He was not a threat.  He did not deserve to die.
As the 16 gun shots pummeled his body, a puff of smoke emanated from McDonald’s chest while he was sprawled on the pavement in the fetal position.  He did not move when an officer entered the frame just long enough to kick a knife away from his prone hand.
Sadly, none of the officers attempted to help McDonald as he bled out on the street and eventually died a senseless death.
In all, there have been 20 citizen complaints filed against Van Dyke since 2011. At least 7 additional complaints alleged excessive use of force, while 2 involved the use of a firearm.
Not surprisingly, the delay tactics from Alvarez were all part of a colossal cover-up by prosecutors and city officials, who actively tried to block the release of the video in a failed attempt to protect one of their own. [….]
Hear! Hear!, DJ.
And let's not overlook Rahm Emmanuel's politically motivated role in this whole tragic incident. Rahm is, IMO, at least as guilty as Anita Alverez and Garry McCarthy (Superintendent of the Chicago Police Dept). All 3 should be forced out of office.
Re: the murderous actions of Van Dyke
It's also been reported that after emptying his bullets into Laquan, Van Dyke actually attempted to RELOAD his gun (gesturing his intent to continue firing into the DEAD teen's body). But was FINALLY restrained by the other officers.
Re: The total indifference to Laquan's life displayed by the other officers on the scene
I pray they all are held accountable. If not in this life…certainly in the hereafter.
Tues. Dec. 1, 2015- 12:17 PM (EST)
UPDATE: "Chicago mayor asks for police superintendent's resignation"
CNN- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Tuesday that he has asked for the resignation of Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy.
The announcement at a news conference came amid angry protests in Chicago over the way the city responded to the killing by police of a black teenager.
Emanuel also described a new task force on law enforcement accountability that will review how the city trains and oversees its police officers, he said. It will include five Chicagoans who have been leaders in the justice system. Chicago native and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick will be a senior adviser to the group, Emanuel said.
The mayor's moves come amid protests in Chicago that echo a national campaign led by Black Lives Matter activists.
That campaign claims that police across the country discriminate against black people. […]
Feeling the heat eh Rahm?
As I expressed yesterday, all 3 (Rahm Emmanuel, Anita Alverez AND Garry McCarthy need to go. Now.
I just heard the police superintendent got fired today over this case. Like Truth said Rahm Emanuel and Anita Alvarez need to be next. So much is about to come to the light on all this that it isn't even funny.
You're correct BD. Ultimately McCarthy was indeed fired today.
And Rahm had better understand that this ain't over. Not by a long shot.
NYTimes: "Cover-up In Chicago: How Rahm Emanuel won the mayor’s race by suppressing the Laquan McDonald video"
Then up for re-election, the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, was looking ahead to a contested election on Feb. 24, 2015, which would ultimately result in a runoff election on April 7. In Ferguson, Mo., a grand jury was hearing testimony on the police shooting of Michael Brown. The video of Eric Garner being choked to death during an arrest in New York had gone viral. The Black Lives Matter movement was gaining momentum across the country.
The video of a police shooting like this in Chicago could have buried Mr. Emanuel’s chances for re-election. And it would likely have ended the career of the police superintendent, Garry F. McCarthy.
And so the wheels of justice virtually ground to a halt. Mayor Emanuel refused to make the dash-cam video public, going to court to prevent its release. The city argued that releasing the video would taint the investigation of the case, but even the attorney general of Illinois urged the city to make it available.
Then the city waited until April 15 — one week after Mr. Emanuel was re-elected — to get final approval of a pre-emptive $5 million settlement with Mr. McDonald’s family, a settlement that had been substantially agreed upon weeks earlier. Still, the city’s lawyers made sure to include a clause that kept the dash-cam video confidential. […]
NYT Reader- Chicago Resident:
The extent of outrage in the city is an important indicator of just how appalling the current situation is in Chicago. This city lives with an air of such overt corruption that unless you live here it is really difficult to comprehend. The cynical dishonesty of the city leadership is so comprehensively built into the system that nobody should even expect an honest or objective investigation. This is not the city of "big shoulders" that it likes to call itself, but the city of big bullies. To be sure, police often have a difficult and dangerous job in a gun-and gang-infested environment. However, there seems to be little doubt that racism plays a large role in the fabric of this city, as it does in so many others.
It is difficult to understand why the posturing and self-glorifying leaders, and Mayor Emanuel follows in this well-established tradition, continue to con the population into thinking they derive any benefit from being in a "global city" when it is rife with social injustice, violence and dreadful inequities. We desperately need courageous leadership, but in its absence, might settle for some evidence of honesty and concern for the common good. […]